Sunday, September 5, 2010

Trailerloading & Online & Liberty

Our online session was a bit of bla, bla, bla today.
Weave patterns in trott are improving. I could use more of the 45-foot rope.
Cicling game was a big bla, bla, bla. Lots of bucking in the left lead canter in the beginning. I just ignored it and let her do her thing. She was flying and leaping around for a few rounds. I think she just needed to get it out of her system. When she was done she came in to me with a face, ok, now I´m able to concentrate a bit more ;).
So we started again. This time the cantertransission was smooth. I let her canter for half a circle and asked her in again. Same on the left lead - nice and smooth canter.
Then we had a little break and went grazing. Then we did squeezegame over the cavaletti again. First in walk and trott and then in canter where she jumped again. This time we did it in both direction.
I gave her a little break in the pasture after our online session and in the meantime I put the trailer on Yosemite Sam. I´m glad I didn´t buy a new car yet cause once again I managed to back into the trailer. But Sam has already so many scratches so one more or less really doesn´t matter anymore. I might as well keep him some time longer until I´m able to put a trailer on the car without backing in to it ;).
Trailerloading was not a big thing. For todays session I wanted to achieve that she is putting her frontlegs on the ramp and she did that as soon as we got there.
Such a good girl!
Helene watched me for a while and we started talking about Parelli again. I told her that I would trailerload Milva for 7 days in a row now so she asked me if she could join me with Dupont tomorrow. Awesome!
Lead by example, ey?


  1. Ha ha känner igen det där med "tur att man inte har en ny bil..." Jag har fått höra att jag backar akustiskt när jag ska koppla på släpet ;))

  2. Låter skoj :-) Lite trailer loading är ju alltid nyttigt :-) Hoppas allt är bra med er.

  3. Hahahaha, "backar akustiskt" är kanonbra sagt
    Låter jättekul vad ni håller på med :-)
