Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Indian Summer Day

Today was a typical canadian autumn day which made me long back even more. Hm....
The thing that scares me is, that I know when I get this feeling inside me, there is not much that can stop me.
Hm.... I have to plan better this time though and set it up for success...
The first thing I´m going to do is to go back to university. I have my nursing degree but to be on the safe side I want to take extra courses to broad my knowledge and to be more "aftersought". I also should specialize on something - but on what??
On a second thought - I do have a very good life here in Sweden and a jobb I love with great workingcollegues and not to forget very well paid and lots of time off. Who else works 2 days, 2 days off, work 5 days, 5 days off.
ARGH - but there is something in Canada that´s waiting for me. I just can feel it.
Decisions, decisions,...
Anyway, Milva and I worked on our level 3 online assesment and it´s going well. She is just the super smartest pony in the whole world ;). I know - everyone thinks that about their pony.
We also did a bit of liberty but I want to watch more dvd´s about it before going into details.


  1. Oh, oh I sense a trip to Canada or maybe the US in your post? Are you getting the travelling bug lol???

  2. Ah there you are :)). Movingbug it is ;). I'm still planing to dobthe fast track course next year though . Xox

  3. Jag känner igen den där känslan av att flytta på sig, för mig är det Norrland så inte lika långt bort som Canada dock, men sen tänker man lite till och man vet ju vad man har... Det är det här med besluten hit och dit, jag har ganska många som skulle behöva tas... ;)
    Vad du än väljer så blir det nog bra!

  4. Norrland later ocksa bra. Ulrike bor ju där uppe och berättade mycket om det. Det verkar vara bra där uppe.
    Jag tror det viktigaste är att ha en bra utbildning och sedan kan man göra vad man vill och bor var man vill. men utan utbildning är man nog screwed.
