Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fast Track Course And Planning Ahead

My innitial plan was to attend the fast track course in Ocala next winter/spring. After doing some more research I think it might be a better idea to wait until next summer/autumn instead.
Which will give me more time to study theory and get my horsemanship up to level 3.
I´m planning on taping my freestyle level 2 before the summer which will give me the blue string and will make me to an official level 3 student. After achieving level 2 I will try to get as far as possible with my level 3 before going to the fast track course.
I´m also trying to purchase the Parelli Dressage saddle this year. I still love my Bates Innova but my mind and heart are set on a Parelli saddle. I better don´t tell Shawn how much they are though... I´m going to check with the duty as well. It might be cheaper to send it to Ali in Texas and pick it up there or ask her to send it over to me.
Milva and I had a 30min playsession today. We just made it before the dressage training started again.
We did trotting on the longrein from zone 5 - when I write zone 5 I mean that I´m 2 - 3 meters behind Milva, with one rein. It was the first time and super fun! I just wish I would be in a better shape! Milva reacted immediately on my tongueclick when walking and started to trott. Pretty good for a lbi!
We also did some circling game and sideways in a circle.
While she was eating I had the green ball out again and she had to move it to get to her hay :)
Last evening at work!!! It´s going to be soooo nice to be off now for 2 days. As I mentioned before I shouldn´t complain about my workinghours cause I couldn´t have it any better and I do love my work. But it´s still going to be nice to be at home and relax and study!


  1. Låter som en bra plan med fast track kursen :-) Hoppas allt är bra med er, jag tycker oxå att det kan bli vår nu, är lite trött på att det är halt och Panter tycker att det är svårt att gå :-(
    Å... du.... han är hemma nu ..... :-)))

  2. vad kul att han är hemma nu :)))
    har ni bestämt er vart ni ska aka pa semester?
    ju, jag tror det är nog bra om jag tar fast track kursen lite senare.
    sedan är jag himmla glad över att ni aka det här aret! sa du kan berätta om allting sedan!
    vet du vad??!!! jag har bestämt mig att sitta pa milva idag! hall tummarna nu!

  3. Det blir Egypten på söndag :-)))
    Hoppas det gick bra att sitta på Milva.
