Orkan moved to a new stable yesterday and became a stable horse again. I visited Anita and him yesterday afternoon. Anita took this picture of Orkan´s new herd - the gray one is a 2,5 year old stallion, the dark one in the middle is a trotting horse and the one to the right is a nordswedish coldblood. It´s a boy´s herd only.
The stable is only 2,5km away from our stable so it should be possible to ride there later on.
It felt strange to came to the stable today and Orkan wasn´t there. I do think it´s gonna be more quiet in our herd now though...
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Filmed Patricia´s & Tinka´s Freestyle level 2 Audition
Milva and I continue our freestyle riding...pictures will follow...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas!
Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen. ~Author unknown
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Riding is going very well with the natural hackamore and without - only using a savvy string around her neck. I´m not using the saddle right now mostly because I still think it´s a pain in the ass to saddle with. It´s so big, heavy, bulky and it takes forever to get the theraflex pad right.
Don´t get me wrong, I still love the Natural Performer - who wouldn´t. It´s just I´m a spoiled dressage girl who is not used to such big saddles.
Riding with the bareback pad is super fun though and I love to feel Milva so close underneath me so I will continue with it for a while and see how it goes.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Cancer - Step Outside the Box written by Ty Bollinger
No, I don´t have cancer but I also plan on not to die of it.
A very good summory of truths about cancer treatments and preventions with alot of good references to researches to compliment this essential information.
A book that belongs in every household.
As a compliment to this book I recommend to also read "The 80/10/10" book written by Dr. Douglas Graham.
It kind of goes hand in hand with the cancer book.
The same information is backed up or reflected at www.nutritionfacts.org by Dr. Michael Gregor who reviews medical journeys, studies, reports. Giving you the most up to date and accurate information about nutrition.
Everything he presents is referenced so that you can review the actual study and by which organisation it was contucted.
A very good summory of truths about cancer treatments and preventions with alot of good references to researches to compliment this essential information.
A book that belongs in every household.
As a compliment to this book I recommend to also read "The 80/10/10" book written by Dr. Douglas Graham.
It kind of goes hand in hand with the cancer book.
The same information is backed up or reflected at www.nutritionfacts.org by Dr. Michael Gregor who reviews medical journeys, studies, reports. Giving you the most up to date and accurate information about nutrition.
Everything he presents is referenced so that you can review the actual study and by which organisation it was contucted.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
First Bareback Ride
Two first´s today. In the morning, riding with carrot stick and in the afternoon riding bareback - or well, on the bareback pad. Milva is super soft without a saddle! She has a tremendous wide back and is smooth as a Cadillac. I think she likes it better without a saddle as well. Getting on her was no problem. I climped up on that little wall in the ridinghouse where you can sit and put my leg over her. She actually sidepassed on step over and stayed put until I asked her to walk on. Awesome pony as always!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World That Can´t Stop Talking written by Susan Cain
To begin with, you will get a whole lot more out of this book if you understand the basic meaning behind being an introvert versus being an extrovert. After all, the main purpose behind the book, “Quiet” is to provide you with a deeper understanding of what it’s like to live as an introvert in an overly celebrated extroversion society.
Being an Extrovert: Qualities
•Obtaining and being concerned with gratification that comes outside of one’s self
•Comfortable in large groups
•Always involved or engaged in public or community activities
•Extremely enthusiastic
Being an Extrovert: Work Environment
•Managing large groups
•Political aspirations
Being an Introvert: Qualities
•Predominately interested and concerned with one’s own mind
•More energy during self reflection
•Much more reserved
•Less talkative
•Much more independent
•Much more solitary
Being an Introvert: Work Environment
•Computer programmer
Although the information listed above will show only some differences between introversion and extroversion, the idea is to give you an understanding of what it means to be either one, and how this book talks about being an introvert living in a society that promotes extroversion.
This book touches on a variety of different issues which begins with the ideal of being an extrovert. This is something that has been instilled in almost every one since their first day of school. Because of this cultural ideal, school systems combine 20 to 30 students in a single classroom based on the ideology that everyone is an extrovert, therefore everyone learns the same way. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Ms. Cain goes on to talk about charisma and leadership and how collaboration can sometimes be the main killer behind creativity. This is talked about in great length because there are introverts who are forced to collaborate with others and move away what comes natural to them and that is their creativity that comes from living and being within themselves. She also talks about how the extrovert ideal creates individuals that are not all that individual. Most people, over time begin to mirror each other which ultimately will limit the production of individuality.
In this book, Ms. Cain also talks about the historical roots of the extrovert ideal, the pitfalls, defining both introversion and extroversion, distinguishing what introversion is, and differentiating the core of both identities. She also talks about those that have both personality traits whereas sometimes a person may act as though they are an introvert, and at other times act as though they are extroverts.
Towards the end of the book, Ms. Cain also talks about the psychology of temperament, what it’s like to be an introvert in the workplace, child and education development, finding a balance in a person’s life in terms of trying to dominate one ideal or another, and what the future holds for the extroversion idealism and what it will be like to be an introvert in the future.
Quite frankly, this is one book that will have you riveted to the pages simply because of the information provided on both aspects of a person’s personality. “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” is a book that will help you understand that you have been created the way you are for a purpose. And as an introvert, you may feel that extroverts have it good right now; however, it’s important for you to know that you have a place – because when all of the noise dies down, people tend to look towards the thinker because for the most part an introvert really does have superior characteristics.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Productive Morning
Good thing I was productive in the morning cause now I feel like not doing anything for a long time - which just came in time now that I start my five days tomorrow.
Farrier was here first thing in the morning. It´s so convenient in our stable cause two farriers come every two weeks on a Thursday so I never need to make an appointment.
Milva was like a trooper again. She didn´t move one millimeter and volunteered every hoof.
After that a 20min walk around the pastures and then a liberty session in the ridinghouse playing with close range circles again and bigger ones and change of direction and a million transitions.
Farrier was here first thing in the morning. It´s so convenient in our stable cause two farriers come every two weeks on a Thursday so I never need to make an appointment.
Milva was like a trooper again. She didn´t move one millimeter and volunteered every hoof.
After that a 20min walk around the pastures and then a liberty session in the ridinghouse playing with close range circles again and bigger ones and change of direction and a million transitions.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
-12 this morning.
Playing with figure 8s and change of direction in w/t/c in the roundpen.
Squeeze game over barrles, sideways over the barrels.
Lay down with extrem friendly game.
Circling game with close range circles and bigger circles in w/t/c.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
-10 this morning and sunny. Took Milva for a hike around the pastures which was more adventerous than I had planned to. She pretended to be an arabian again and was pretty exuberant - that happened after I took those pictures but I think she already started to plan her mischief in that last picture ;).
It was super fun though and it never got out of hand and it was a really good workout for both of us. I only wishes I would have had snowshoes because of all the snowdrifts. On some parts we both sank down in the snow up to our knees.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Round Pen Work
Bright and early at the barn again. It took me 30min to get there though because of all the snowdrifts on the road.
Much improvement since yesterday´s session. It sure pays off to quit and I mean really quit when teaching Milva a new thing and she starts getting it and putting effort in it. Today she gave me some nice change of directions in walk and trot and smooth transitions. We finished our session off with circles in an open area - close range and bigger ones in w/t/c and change of direction and extreme friendly game while she laid down in z5 and walking around her slapping the ground.
Much improvement since yesterday´s session. It sure pays off to quit and I mean really quit when teaching Milva a new thing and she starts getting it and putting effort in it. Today she gave me some nice change of directions in walk and trot and smooth transitions. We finished our session off with circles in an open area - close range and bigger ones in w/t/c and change of direction and extreme friendly game while she laid down in z5 and walking around her slapping the ground.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
-12 and snowstorm this morning, hurray for a ridinghouse!
I arrived at 7.30 a.m at the barn so I could build a round corral in the ridinghouse before everyone else showed up.
Milva was a bit flighty because of the storm outside and all the noises. It took a little while for her to connect to me. Round corral work needs some more sessions before I can tape. Typical me thinking everything is so easy. After a few discussions with Milva she did some nice change of directions though. She just needs to express her opinion about certain things before putting some effort in.
Later on I watched Patricia preparing for her freestyle level 2 audition and gave her some tips. We are probably gonna tape it next week - yeah - at least one of us gets some taping done.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Happy Birthday To ME!
Yesterday was my Birthday. I was early in the stable and played with Milva a little bit in the ridinghouse than had banana, chocolate chip pancakes. Later Shawn, Johan and I went to the Christmas market in Fredriksdal, here in Helsingborg. I love christmas markets but honestly those in Austria and Germany are better and more cosier than those here in Sweden.
In the evening we had mexican food and than watched a movie.
Johan took some nice pictures yesterday, I will upload them later on.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thinking Fast and Slow written by Daniel Kahneman (winner of the Nobel prize in economics)
To Think, or Not to Think. That is the question.
Kahneman's close examination of how people think and rely on their guts and/or forebrain to do their thinking for them. He shows fascinating examples of experiments on how people makes judgements, assess risks, bargain, negotiate; how logic get short-circuited by emotion and biases that we are sometimes not even aware of.
While the book describes many experiments and even gives the reader/listener a chance to vicariously experience what his subjects went through, it also has some practical value: 1. He briefly describes some countermeasures for eliminating "thinking errors" like jumping to conclusions or relying on an "availability heuristic" to determine the probability of an event; 2. And briefly describes some of the socio-political implications of this research can be used and abused.
I recommend this good read as a kind of primer for those wary of being influenced by corporate and government propaganda anywhere in the world.
Overall it´s a good read but it took me some time to get through it. It´s not exactly a book you can read on the ferry from and to work. You actually have to sit down and study it and think about it. I´m a very fast reader and had to force myself to slow down a number of times to actually understand and absorb the context.
I´m gonna read it again in a few months even though it did not make it in my top 10 list.
Kahneman's close examination of how people think and rely on their guts and/or forebrain to do their thinking for them. He shows fascinating examples of experiments on how people makes judgements, assess risks, bargain, negotiate; how logic get short-circuited by emotion and biases that we are sometimes not even aware of.
While the book describes many experiments and even gives the reader/listener a chance to vicariously experience what his subjects went through, it also has some practical value: 1. He briefly describes some countermeasures for eliminating "thinking errors" like jumping to conclusions or relying on an "availability heuristic" to determine the probability of an event; 2. And briefly describes some of the socio-political implications of this research can be used and abused.
I recommend this good read as a kind of primer for those wary of being influenced by corporate and government propaganda anywhere in the world.
Overall it´s a good read but it took me some time to get through it. It´s not exactly a book you can read on the ferry from and to work. You actually have to sit down and study it and think about it. I´m a very fast reader and had to force myself to slow down a number of times to actually understand and absorb the context.
I´m gonna read it again in a few months even though it did not make it in my top 10 list.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Der Trakehner Hengst des Jahres "Connery" v. Buddenbrock - Karo As
Connery ist der Hengst des Jahres
Connery ist der Trakehner Hengst des Jahres 2012! Ausserordentlich erfolgreich ist seine Nachzucht. Jetzt wurde CONNERY während des Gala-Abend in Neumünster aufgrund seiner Leistungsvererbung mit der grössten Auszeichnung, die an einen Vererber vergeben wird, augezeichnet. Der 14-jährige braune Sohne des Buddenbrock brillierte unter Dorothea Paar in der ausverkauften Holstenhalle. CONNERY ist nach seinem Vater BUDDENBROCK (2010) und CONSUL (1997) der dritte Höremer Hengst, der den Titel "Hengst des Jahres" trägt.
The Trakehner society has decided to proclaim Connery Trakehner Stallion of the Year 2012. The bay stallion will be honoured during the 2012 Trakehner Stallion Licensing in Neumunster on 20 October 2012.
The 14-year old Connery was already proclaimed elite sire and can now add Stallion of the Year to his list of achievements.
Bred by Manuela and Gisela Harder in Hamburg, Connery was named by the late Katrin Poll of Gestut Hörem who had bought the young stallion as a foal. He is by Buddenbrock out of Caro Dame II (by Karo As).
Licensed in 2000, Connery did his 30-day performance test and qualified for the Bundeschampionate. As a youngster he was ridden by Katrin Poll and Anna Sophie Fiebelkorn.
His most famous offspring is the Bundeschampion and reserve world champion Imperio, now ridden and partly owner by Hubertus Schmidt, as well as world eventing young horse champion Charlie Weld.
Connery ist der Hengst des Jahres
Connery ist der Trakehner Hengst des Jahres 2012! Ausserordentlich erfolgreich ist seine Nachzucht. Jetzt wurde CONNERY während des Gala-Abend in Neumünster aufgrund seiner Leistungsvererbung mit der grössten Auszeichnung, die an einen Vererber vergeben wird, augezeichnet. Der 14-jährige braune Sohne des Buddenbrock brillierte unter Dorothea Paar in der ausverkauften Holstenhalle. CONNERY ist nach seinem Vater BUDDENBROCK (2010) und CONSUL (1997) der dritte Höremer Hengst, der den Titel "Hengst des Jahres" trägt.
The Trakehner society has decided to proclaim Connery Trakehner Stallion of the Year 2012. The bay stallion will be honoured during the 2012 Trakehner Stallion Licensing in Neumunster on 20 October 2012.
The 14-year old Connery was already proclaimed elite sire and can now add Stallion of the Year to his list of achievements.
Bred by Manuela and Gisela Harder in Hamburg, Connery was named by the late Katrin Poll of Gestut Hörem who had bought the young stallion as a foal. He is by Buddenbrock out of Caro Dame II (by Karo As).
Licensed in 2000, Connery did his 30-day performance test and qualified for the Bundeschampionate. As a youngster he was ridden by Katrin Poll and Anna Sophie Fiebelkorn.
His most famous offspring is the Bundeschampion and reserve world champion Imperio, now ridden and partly owner by Hubertus Schmidt, as well as world eventing young horse champion Charlie Weld.
On the Cover of the Trakehner Magazine - Connery & Carlsberg
Milva´s dad became Trakehner stallion of the year 2012. Next to him with the white face is Carlsberg his grandson.
I always knew that Milva´s bloodlines are something of the extraordinary and Trakehner people often get ecstatic when I tell them whom Milva is after. Neverless I´m surprised every time I see them perform or read an article about them.
Milva is Milva. I would love her as much if she would be a crossing between a dragon and a walruss (which she might as well be).
Maybe I should dust her off this week and film a little liberty session and send it to Hörem.
I kind of feel I have Connery´s bohemian daughter, the rebell, the hippie that went to Walddorfschool instead of College, but maybe they would find it interesting - or amusing, funny, to see "the other" side of the traditional training. Hm...what you think?
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sunday Morning
Early morning in the stable again, it was -5 outside. I was there at 7.30 and woke up Milva and Tinka who both slept together inside. Orkan and Paulina were outside eating.
30min liberty: close range circles in walk and trot both leads, change of direction, bigger cantering circles, both leads. Sideways towards me and away in trot. Stick to me in walk and trot all over the arena with change of direction and lots of transitions - trot - stop - back up - trot.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Snow in Skåne
It started to snow here a little bit last night. As much as I love snow, it is not so much fun when you are on a scooty, riding home in the middle of the night from work and trying to not miss the ferry because if I would I would need to wait another 30min for the next one and probably freeze my a** off.
30min liberty this morning. Playing with cavaletti that someone must have forgotten to take away last night. Playing squeeze game over it in w/t/c, stopping halfway over it - which works sometimes and sometimes it doesn´t, lots of sideways away and towards me with the cavaletti under her belly. I don´t think Milva really knows that cavalettis are actually for jumping or going over it, as soon as she sees a pole on the ground she goes halfway over it and then sideways. Definitely not a jumping horse in the making ;).
30min liberty this morning. Playing with cavaletti that someone must have forgotten to take away last night. Playing squeeze game over it in w/t/c, stopping halfway over it - which works sometimes and sometimes it doesn´t, lots of sideways away and towards me with the cavaletti under her belly. I don´t think Milva really knows that cavalettis are actually for jumping or going over it, as soon as she sees a pole on the ground she goes halfway over it and then sideways. Definitely not a jumping horse in the making ;).
10 Lessons from Einstein
1. Follow Your Curiosity
“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
2. Perseverance is Priceless
“It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
3. Focus on the Present
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”
4. The Imagination is Powerful
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
5. Make Mistakes
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
6. Live in the Moment
“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”
7. Create Value
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
8. Don’t be repetitive
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
9. Knowledge Comes From Experience
“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”
10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
“It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
3. Focus on the Present
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”
4. The Imagination is Powerful
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
5. Make Mistakes
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
6. Live in the Moment
“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”
7. Create Value
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
8. Don’t be repetitive
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
9. Knowledge Comes From Experience
“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”
10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Milva & Dupont
Milva & Dupont
Liberty session in the morning. Just repeating what we have playing with the last couple of times, focusing more on stick to me at canter with lots of transitions. Played 40min.
Back in the afternoon, taking her around the pasture for a warm up (25min) and then rode her for 10min - passenger lesson and lots of transitions walk - stop.
Liberty session in the morning. Just repeating what we have playing with the last couple of times, focusing more on stick to me at canter with lots of transitions. Played 40min.
Back in the afternoon, taking her around the pasture for a warm up (25min) and then rode her for 10min - passenger lesson and lots of transitions walk - stop.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Early Morning
I was at the stable at 7 a.m this morning to play with a very sleepy Milva - 40min at liberty.
Stick to me with lots of transitions and change of directions all over the riding house. She is just the cutest when we canter together. Naturally I´m not cantering that fast and Milva never leaves my side meaning she is cantering really slow too which is harder for a horse and takes more strength and balance.
We also tried some transitions within the trot today - trotting fast and slowing down and stop - trot transitions.
Finished again with circling game in canter.
Stick to me with lots of transitions and change of directions all over the riding house. She is just the cutest when we canter together. Naturally I´m not cantering that fast and Milva never leaves my side meaning she is cantering really slow too which is harder for a horse and takes more strength and balance.
We also tried some transitions within the trot today - trotting fast and slowing down and stop - trot transitions.
Finished again with circling game in canter.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Smartest Pony Ever!
I came an hour later to the stable this morning and Milva was inside waiting for me. As soon as she laid eye on me she gave me this really loud whinny and then she stretched like a cat. She totally reminded me of Charly our youngest cat. They even have the same face expression.
I could squeeze in a 30min liberty session. We played again with stick to me in walk and trot, doing lots of trainsitions and backing up and change of direction, just playing all over the ridinghouse.
I planned to finish with the circling game. We started off with close range circles and when I backed her out for bigger circles she waited for me and when I sent her she offered to canter. The coolest thing with a lbi!!
I didn´t breath for two whole laps and then asked her in and quit today´s playsession.
Smartest pony ever!
I could squeeze in a 30min liberty session. We played again with stick to me in walk and trot, doing lots of trainsitions and backing up and change of direction, just playing all over the ridinghouse.
I planned to finish with the circling game. We started off with close range circles and when I backed her out for bigger circles she waited for me and when I sent her she offered to canter. The coolest thing with a lbi!!
I didn´t breath for two whole laps and then asked her in and quit today´s playsession.
Smartest pony ever!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
A topic very close to my heart are homeless cats.
Kattjouren is a non-profit organisation here in Skåne, which helps homeless cats to find a forever home.
The stories on their homepage are heartbreaking and wanna make me adopt every single one of them.
Living with two cats already I had to realize that it´s not possible right now to adopt another one - or so I try to convince myself every day anyway.
I still have the urge to do something to help them, besides donating money or catfood you also can sign up to be a driver and helping Kattjouren to drive cats to the vet or their new home. That´s what I did so let´s see when they contact me for the first time.
Actions speak louder than words people!
A topic very close to my heart are homeless cats.
Kattjouren is a non-profit organisation here in Skåne, which helps homeless cats to find a forever home.
The stories on their homepage are heartbreaking and wanna make me adopt every single one of them.
Living with two cats already I had to realize that it´s not possible right now to adopt another one - or so I try to convince myself every day anyway.
I still have the urge to do something to help them, besides donating money or catfood you also can sign up to be a driver and helping Kattjouren to drive cats to the vet or their new home. That´s what I did so let´s see when they contact me for the first time.
Actions speak louder than words people!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Liberty Level 4
Yesterday afternoon I must have been watching almost all level 4 liberty auditions that are out there on youtube.
The more I watched the more I thought it looks like a piece of cake - but that´s me being me, but seriously how hard can it be.
I went very early to the stable this morning, thinking there would be some jumping training at 10.00 but had to find out it is in the afternoons from now on. Which is great that will give me more time to play saturday mornings.
We played with stick to me in w/t/c all over the arena, lots of change of directions - FLYING LEAD CHANGES, close range circles in walk and trot - loosing connections on the left lead easily though. Well, she is still circling but the circles get bigger and bigger, right lead she stays very close and connected. How interesting.
Sideways towards me in trot - which happened out of coincidence, neverless very cool though.
I watched more mastery manuals about liberty this afternoon and planned on going back out to the barn this evening but somehow got stuck in the sofa and will remain there for the rest of the evening instead.
The more I watched the more I thought it looks like a piece of cake - but that´s me being me, but seriously how hard can it be.
I went very early to the stable this morning, thinking there would be some jumping training at 10.00 but had to find out it is in the afternoons from now on. Which is great that will give me more time to play saturday mornings.
We played with stick to me in w/t/c all over the arena, lots of change of directions - FLYING LEAD CHANGES, close range circles in walk and trot - loosing connections on the left lead easily though. Well, she is still circling but the circles get bigger and bigger, right lead she stays very close and connected. How interesting.
Sideways towards me in trot - which happened out of coincidence, neverless very cool though.
I watched more mastery manuals about liberty this afternoon and planned on going back out to the barn this evening but somehow got stuck in the sofa and will remain there for the rest of the evening instead.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Calm, Connected, Responsive
Friday evening together with Patricia on Tinka.
Short warm up to check if Milva was calm, connected and responsive which she was and then we rode for 10min.
This was the first time together with another horse in the ridinghouse. Tinka had a very good influence on Milva. Milva blew out a lot of air very quickly, she never came up with her head and her ears were turned forward all the time and she looked very calm at all time.
In the beginning I lost my connection with her a little bit which entirely was my fault because I didn´t concentrade on Milva either but talked to Patricia instead.
As soon as I gave her my full attention again she immediately was there for me asking questions and responsing.
Milva totally rocks! Couldn´t wish for a better partner!
10 Myths About Introverts
Myth #1 – Introverts don’t like to talk.
This is not true. Introverts just don’t talk unless they have something to say. They hate small talk. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days.
Myth #2 – Introverts are shy.
Shyness has nothing to do with being an Introvert. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of people. What they need is a reason to interact. They don’t interact for the sake of interacting. If you want to talk to an Introvert, just start talking. Don’t worry about being polite.
Myth #3 – Introverts are rude.
Introverts often don’t see a reason for beating around the bush with social pleasantries. They want everyone to just be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable in most settings, so Introverts can feel a lot of pressure to fit in, which they find exhausting.
Myth #4 – Introverts don’t like people.
On the contrary, Introverts intensely value the few friends they have. They can count their close friends on one hand. If you are lucky enough for an introvert to consider you a friend, you probably have a loyal ally for life. Once you have earned their respect as being a person of substance, you’re in.
Myth #5 – Introverts don’t like to go out in public.
Nonsense. Introverts just don’t like to go out in public FOR AS LONG. They also like to avoid the complications that are involved in public activities. They take in data and experiences very quickly, and as a result, don’t need to be there for long to “get it.” They’re ready to go home, recharge, and process it all. In fact, recharging is absolutely crucial for Introverts.
Myth #6 – Introverts always want to be alone.
Introverts are perfectly comfortable with their own thoughts. They think a lot. They daydream. They like to have problems to work on, puzzles to solve. But they can also get incredibly lonely if they don’t have anyone to share their discoveries with. They crave an authentic and sincere connection with ONE PERSON at a time.
Myth #7 – Introverts are weird.
Introverts are often individualists. They don’t follow the crowd. They’d prefer to be valued for their novel ways of living. They think for themselves and because of that, they often challenge the norm. They don’t make most decisions based on what is popular or trendy.
Myth #8 – Introverts are aloof nerds.
Introverts are people who primarily look inward, paying close attention to their thoughts and emotions. It’s not that they are incapable of paying attention to what is going on around them, it’s just that their inner world is much more stimulating and rewarding to them.
Myth #9 – Introverts don’t know how to relax and have fun.
Introverts typically relax at home or in nature, not in busy public places. Introverts are not thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talking and noise going on, they shut down. Their brains are too sensitive to the neurotransmitter called Dopamine. Introverts and Extroverts have different dominant neuro-pathways. Just look it up.
Myth #10 – Introverts can fix themselves and become Extroverts.
A world without Introverts would be a world with few scientists, musicians, artists, poets, filmmakers, doctors, mathematicians, writers, and philosophers. That being said, there are still plenty of techniques an Extrovert can learn in order to interact with Introverts. (Yes, I reversed these two terms on purpose to show you how biased our society is.) Introverts cannot “fix themselves” and deserve respect for their natural temperament and contributions to the human race. In fact, one study (Silverman, 1986) showed that the percentage of Introverts increases with IQ.
This is not true. Introverts just don’t talk unless they have something to say. They hate small talk. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days.
Myth #2 – Introverts are shy.
Shyness has nothing to do with being an Introvert. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of people. What they need is a reason to interact. They don’t interact for the sake of interacting. If you want to talk to an Introvert, just start talking. Don’t worry about being polite.
Myth #3 – Introverts are rude.
Introverts often don’t see a reason for beating around the bush with social pleasantries. They want everyone to just be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable in most settings, so Introverts can feel a lot of pressure to fit in, which they find exhausting.
Myth #4 – Introverts don’t like people.
On the contrary, Introverts intensely value the few friends they have. They can count their close friends on one hand. If you are lucky enough for an introvert to consider you a friend, you probably have a loyal ally for life. Once you have earned their respect as being a person of substance, you’re in.
Myth #5 – Introverts don’t like to go out in public.
Nonsense. Introverts just don’t like to go out in public FOR AS LONG. They also like to avoid the complications that are involved in public activities. They take in data and experiences very quickly, and as a result, don’t need to be there for long to “get it.” They’re ready to go home, recharge, and process it all. In fact, recharging is absolutely crucial for Introverts.
Myth #6 – Introverts always want to be alone.
Introverts are perfectly comfortable with their own thoughts. They think a lot. They daydream. They like to have problems to work on, puzzles to solve. But they can also get incredibly lonely if they don’t have anyone to share their discoveries with. They crave an authentic and sincere connection with ONE PERSON at a time.
Myth #7 – Introverts are weird.
Introverts are often individualists. They don’t follow the crowd. They’d prefer to be valued for their novel ways of living. They think for themselves and because of that, they often challenge the norm. They don’t make most decisions based on what is popular or trendy.
Myth #8 – Introverts are aloof nerds.
Introverts are people who primarily look inward, paying close attention to their thoughts and emotions. It’s not that they are incapable of paying attention to what is going on around them, it’s just that their inner world is much more stimulating and rewarding to them.
Myth #9 – Introverts don’t know how to relax and have fun.
Introverts typically relax at home or in nature, not in busy public places. Introverts are not thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talking and noise going on, they shut down. Their brains are too sensitive to the neurotransmitter called Dopamine. Introverts and Extroverts have different dominant neuro-pathways. Just look it up.
Myth #10 – Introverts can fix themselves and become Extroverts.
A world without Introverts would be a world with few scientists, musicians, artists, poets, filmmakers, doctors, mathematicians, writers, and philosophers. That being said, there are still plenty of techniques an Extrovert can learn in order to interact with Introverts. (Yes, I reversed these two terms on purpose to show you how biased our society is.) Introverts cannot “fix themselves” and deserve respect for their natural temperament and contributions to the human race. In fact, one study (Silverman, 1986) showed that the percentage of Introverts increases with IQ.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my US friends!
Played with Milva 30min at liberty. Driving from z5 with lots of turns and transitions using the whole arena. Extreme friendly game while she layed down. Sideways towards and away, beginning of sideways towards me in trot. Stick to me in walk and trot with back ups and different speeds in trot - using point to point which really encouraged her to put some effort in.
The stable is desinfected now and it looks like that the horses are better. I think Milva and Orkan never got scabies but Tinka and Paulina were deffinetely affected. So lets hope we got rid of all of them!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Stable Improvements
In addition to the turn out stable the owner - well, her father in law, is building three english boxes. The boxes will only be used temporay, like if a horse is sick or any visitors are coming.
I think that´s very cool!
Milva´s injury was already better three days after I wrote my last post. I worked her all last week in walk though. Playing lots with zone 5 driving at liberty and taking her for walks.
Today I played 30min online and my plan for this week is to return to the patterns for my level 4 audition and to watch the level 4 dvds several times.
I think that´s very cool!
Milva´s injury was already better three days after I wrote my last post. I worked her all last week in walk though. Playing lots with zone 5 driving at liberty and taking her for walks.
Today I played 30min online and my plan for this week is to return to the patterns for my level 4 audition and to watch the level 4 dvds several times.
Monday, November 19, 2012
A Reminder How Fragile Life Is
Our hearts go out to the family and friends of 3-Star Parelli Professional and Horse Development Specialist James Roberts, who passed away in a car accident last night. James touched so many lives of horses and humans alike, and he will be greatly missed.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Equine Scabies
Horse scabies, commonly called mange, is a condition caused by mites, which are microscopic biting insects that tunnel into a horse's skin. It is highly contagious and can spread through direct or indirect contact. There are different kinds of mange, caused by two types of parasitic mites.
Mange is extremely contagious, so mange-affected animals should be quarantined. Topical treatments with anti-ectoparasitics are recommended, however, there are numerous shampoos containing iodine available, which also treat mange. Iodine kills the mites and helps to prevent bacterial infections. Thoroughly scrub the horse down and leave it on the skin for 20 minutes. Oral and injectable treatments include Ivomectrin and Doramectin. Treatment should be repeated within 10 to 14 days to kill the mites, which were still eggs during the first treatment. Soak blankets, brushes and ropes in boiling water and use topical insecticides on saddles.
So that´s what we are dealing with right now. Tinker, the friesian in our herd got diagnosed with it and now we have to treat all horses of course. The good thing is that the turnout stable will be mucked out completely.
Sarcoptic Mange
- The most severe type of mange is sarcoptic. It causes pruritus -- intense chronic itching--in the anal region, leading to severe biting and scratching, which frequently causes secondary bacterial infections. Papules, lesions, vesicles (serum-filled blisters formed in or beneath the skin), crusting and alopecia are other symptoms. If untreated, sarcoptic mange can lead to loss of appetite, weakness and emaciation.
Demodectic Mange
- This demodectic mite lives in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the horse. Demodectic mange appears as patchy hair loss and crusting, or as small masses. Lesions are usually on the face, neck, shoulders and forelimbs. It varies from sarcoptic because there is no chronic itching.
Mange is extremely contagious, so mange-affected animals should be quarantined. Topical treatments with anti-ectoparasitics are recommended, however, there are numerous shampoos containing iodine available, which also treat mange. Iodine kills the mites and helps to prevent bacterial infections. Thoroughly scrub the horse down and leave it on the skin for 20 minutes. Oral and injectable treatments include Ivomectrin and Doramectin. Treatment should be repeated within 10 to 14 days to kill the mites, which were still eggs during the first treatment. Soak blankets, brushes and ropes in boiling water and use topical insecticides on saddles.
So that´s what we are dealing with right now. Tinker, the friesian in our herd got diagnosed with it and now we have to treat all horses of course. The good thing is that the turnout stable will be mucked out completely.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Basic bio-mechanics of the ridden horse with a specific emphasis on the impact saddling has to movement, soundness, performance and health.
Melissa posted this very interesting link in her blog:
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Liberty Zone 5 Driving
Milva´s hind fetlock is still slightly swollen, she doesn´t show any sign of lameness though - yet anyway.
I decided to walk her in the riding house for 15 minutes which quickly bored the hell out of her and she started to offer all kind of things like trotting around me in a circle and sideways. To keep her mind busy I thought it would be better to try something new - like liberty zone 5 driving.
We walked around and did some turns and stops using the whole arena.
If I can catch her eye then she creates naturally a bend in her body and the turn will come easy.
One day we will canter and be doing flying lead changes from liberty z5 driving.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Remembrance Day - Lest We Forget
The Ode of Remembrance:
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.
In Flanders Field
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
John McCrae
Foggy Sunday
I woke up to the sound of the foghorn this morning.
Milva´s right hind leg is a bit swollen and warm. I noticed a slight change yesterday but today you can clearly see the swollen part. I took her for a little walk this morning to see if she would limp which she doesn´t. I will wait a few days and just let her rest and if it´s not getting any better I will call the vet.
I suppose that she stumlbed or flipped in the pasture when they were racing around cause her one side was all muddy as well and Milva is not that kind of horse that rolls in the mud. Usually she is a very clean bean.
I have been mucking out extra every morning now. We do have a rolling schedule but the stable is so wet and dirty right that it needs extra mucking, also not everyone mucks as thoroughly as I do which is a big annoyance to me. I picked up some wood shavings from Shawn´s shop to put underneath the straw to keep the bed a bit tryer. I´m just really worried about their hooves right now with all that mud and rain and water!
Milva´s right hind leg is a bit swollen and warm. I noticed a slight change yesterday but today you can clearly see the swollen part. I took her for a little walk this morning to see if she would limp which she doesn´t. I will wait a few days and just let her rest and if it´s not getting any better I will call the vet.
I suppose that she stumlbed or flipped in the pasture when they were racing around cause her one side was all muddy as well and Milva is not that kind of horse that rolls in the mud. Usually she is a very clean bean.
I have been mucking out extra every morning now. We do have a rolling schedule but the stable is so wet and dirty right that it needs extra mucking, also not everyone mucks as thoroughly as I do which is a big annoyance to me. I picked up some wood shavings from Shawn´s shop to put underneath the straw to keep the bed a bit tryer. I´m just really worried about their hooves right now with all that mud and rain and water!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
November Walk
Took Milva for a little bit over one hour walk today, up the asphalt road - playing touch it with the mailboxes, watching big trucks and tractors going by, behind the stable - touch it with big plastic tarps, different machineries and scarry things hanging down the roof, by then she was pretty snorty and firespying but not out of control. If one item was really scarry then I touched it with my hand and then touched her which usually convinced her that it wouldn´t eat her up.
After the scarry part behind the stable I took her up the gravel road and then around the pastures.
After the scarry part behind the stable I took her up the gravel road and then around the pastures.
Prescribed horseplay | Local | News | Barry's Bay This Week
Prescribed horseplay | Local | News | Barry's Bay This Week
and that´s the woman who introduced me to Parelli and has been my mentor since.
Thank you Sabine Coulson!
and that´s the woman who introduced me to Parelli and has been my mentor since.
Thank you Sabine Coulson!
Friday, November 9, 2012
I Me Mine written by George Harrison
Derek Taylor's editorials are delightful. It's easy to love Derek right alongside George. I wish the pair had lived much, much longer, to enjoy more wry humor and garden strolls, and also (selfishly) an updated copy of the book.
For not being a direct Beatles fan I´ve read and watched quite alot about them lately and George has become my favourite Beatle besides Ringo. Ringo seems to be very down to earth as well and dramafree.
God bless George. He is one of a kind.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Everything Is Well In Milva Land
Anita sent me this picture yesterday. I guess I must have been tiring Milva out. It´s tuff to be a lbi sometimes.
One of the breeding mares lost her foal yesterday and because I was the first one in the turnout stable I was the one that found it. That sucks! I think it was around 5 months old and looked perfect.
One of the breeding mares lost her foal yesterday and because I was the first one in the turnout stable I was the one that found it. That sucks! I think it was around 5 months old and looked perfect.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Parelli Horse & Soul Tour UK 2013 - Volonteer
Dear Parelli Volunteer,
Congratulations and Welcome to the 2013 UK Horse and SoulTeam! Thank you for stepping up to be a part of the team that is raising the level of horsemanship worldwide!
We are so excited that Pat, Linda and the team are bringing the Horse and Soul Tour to the UK and that YOU will be part of that experience.
-- Horse and Soul Logistics
You will find there are a lot of Hotels in and around the area, the Premier Inn – www.premierinn.com/Liverpool-Aintree is just across the road from the venue. There will be no charge for parking but please follow the signs when you arrive and park in the marked areas.
-- Set up/Tear down
When you submitted your application online, you agreed to be available to assist with Set Up on Friday morning through Tear Down on Sunday evening. Please ensure that you will be available from Friday morning through Sunday evening. We do need you with us for the entire time. If, for some reason, you must change, please e-mail uk@parelli.com or call Laura or Jenny at 0800 0234 813 and we will practice our Flexion & try to work something out!
Set Up
Tear Down
Friday 8:50 a.m – 5:00 p.m (lunch provided)
Sunday 5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
-- Orientation & Clothing
We have Orientation with everyone on Friday morning 8:50 a.m. in the retail area. Come on inside and find The Volunteer Coordinator. You will receive your nametag and lanyard. Parelli Logo clothing is a MUST for Saturday & Sunday (not necessary for Set up and Tear down) – so wear your favorite Parelli shirt.
DURING the Celebration:
-- Signing In and Out
A Sign-in Sheet will be provided each day. It is your responsibility to ensure you complete this each day in order to receive your credits.
-- Working Time
Over the two days, while Pat & Linda are presenting, you are free to watch and enjoy the Show if not assigned to an area. There are several breaks each day – during these times we expect you to work in your designated work area which could include the Parelli Connect Booth, Parking, Sales area, Audience Seating or as needed. We will assign jobs during Orientation on Friday morning.
-- Seating / Watching the show
As a Parelli Volunteer working through the weekend, you will have reserved Volunteer seating. We may not close retail during the Show but we will try and free you up to be able watch the show if possible, however, please be aware as a volunteer you will miss parts of the show.
-- Group Photo/Debrief
On Sunday we take a group photo – so keep your smiling face on! We will also have a short debrief on the day’s events, so allow half an hour following each presentation day.
-- Rewards
Being a Parelli Volunteer offers many benefits -- from helping Pat and Linda share their dream of Raising the Level of Horsemanship Worldwide to being in a positive high-energy environment of like-minded students. The following is the Volunteer Benefits package.
1. Being a part of Pat and Linda’s team
2. Supporting Pat and Linda's mission of "Making the World a better place for Horses and Humans"
3. Being in a positive and high energy environment with other like-minded students
4. Helping new customers understand what Parelli is all about and how it can transform their horse/human relationship
5. Contributing your time and knowledge to a program you believe in
6. Lunch on Friday with the team
7. Commemorative Lanyard and Name Badge
8. Volunteers Only – Souvenir t-shirt
9. Volunteer Picture
10. £175 Course credit OR £175 Gift Certificate for Parelli IP products
11. Part of the Parelli Team Dinner on Sunday evening
We look forward to seeing you soon! Please feel free to contact Laura or Jenny with any questions at uk@parelli.com and mark it Aintree Volunteer in the subject heading.
Yours Naturally,
Parelli UK Team
+44 (0)2476 692 888
Parelli: A Natural Approach to Horse Training
Congratulations and Welcome to the 2013 UK Horse and SoulTeam! Thank you for stepping up to be a part of the team that is raising the level of horsemanship worldwide!
We are so excited that Pat, Linda and the team are bringing the Horse and Soul Tour to the UK and that YOU will be part of that experience.
-- Horse and Soul Logistics
You will find there are a lot of Hotels in and around the area, the Premier Inn – www.premierinn.com/Liverpool-Aintree is just across the road from the venue. There will be no charge for parking but please follow the signs when you arrive and park in the marked areas.
-- Set up/Tear down
When you submitted your application online, you agreed to be available to assist with Set Up on Friday morning through Tear Down on Sunday evening. Please ensure that you will be available from Friday morning through Sunday evening. We do need you with us for the entire time. If, for some reason, you must change, please e-mail uk@parelli.com or call Laura or Jenny at 0800 0234 813 and we will practice our Flexion & try to work something out!
Set Up
Tear Down
Friday 8:50 a.m – 5:00 p.m (lunch provided)
Sunday 5:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
-- Orientation & Clothing
We have Orientation with everyone on Friday morning 8:50 a.m. in the retail area. Come on inside and find The Volunteer Coordinator. You will receive your nametag and lanyard. Parelli Logo clothing is a MUST for Saturday & Sunday (not necessary for Set up and Tear down) – so wear your favorite Parelli shirt.
DURING the Celebration:
-- Signing In and Out
A Sign-in Sheet will be provided each day. It is your responsibility to ensure you complete this each day in order to receive your credits.
-- Working Time
Over the two days, while Pat & Linda are presenting, you are free to watch and enjoy the Show if not assigned to an area. There are several breaks each day – during these times we expect you to work in your designated work area which could include the Parelli Connect Booth, Parking, Sales area, Audience Seating or as needed. We will assign jobs during Orientation on Friday morning.
-- Seating / Watching the show
As a Parelli Volunteer working through the weekend, you will have reserved Volunteer seating. We may not close retail during the Show but we will try and free you up to be able watch the show if possible, however, please be aware as a volunteer you will miss parts of the show.
-- Group Photo/Debrief
On Sunday we take a group photo – so keep your smiling face on! We will also have a short debrief on the day’s events, so allow half an hour following each presentation day.
-- Rewards
Being a Parelli Volunteer offers many benefits -- from helping Pat and Linda share their dream of Raising the Level of Horsemanship Worldwide to being in a positive high-energy environment of like-minded students. The following is the Volunteer Benefits package.
1. Being a part of Pat and Linda’s team
2. Supporting Pat and Linda's mission of "Making the World a better place for Horses and Humans"
3. Being in a positive and high energy environment with other like-minded students
4. Helping new customers understand what Parelli is all about and how it can transform their horse/human relationship
5. Contributing your time and knowledge to a program you believe in
6. Lunch on Friday with the team
7. Commemorative Lanyard and Name Badge
8. Volunteers Only – Souvenir t-shirt
9. Volunteer Picture
10. £175 Course credit OR £175 Gift Certificate for Parelli IP products
11. Part of the Parelli Team Dinner on Sunday evening
We look forward to seeing you soon! Please feel free to contact Laura or Jenny with any questions at uk@parelli.com and mark it Aintree Volunteer in the subject heading.
Yours Naturally,
Parelli UK Team
+44 (0)2476 692 888
Parelli: A Natural Approach to Horse Training
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Milva is officially started under the sadle and doing very well. She is a bundle of pure pleassure and a more lighter, sensitive and responsive horse will be hard to find.
No matter what other people say - like I ever cared what anyone else said anyway, I´m very very glad I waited for her to turn 7 years before starting her seriously under the sadle.
Fact is that horses are growing until they are 6 - 7 years old. Trakehners grow until they are 7 years.
There are alot of opinions out there about when to start a horse. Well, in Marion´s World it´s not until the horse is fully grown. Which sounds logical, healthy and responsible to me. I´m aware of that most people think different and yes, I´m aware of the financial cost.
Ask yourself the question who and why people came up with the idea to ride a horse when it´s 3 years old.
In the old days horses where used for work, transportation and people depended on them. To have a horse was luxury and of course the people wanted to use the horse as soon as possible to get something out of it.
Same thing in the competition world - it´s all about quick results.
Don´t get me wrong here - I do not critize anyone starting their horses early and honestly I do not care what other people do - or think.
Live and let live.
Back to Milva. Shawn rode her a couple of times first and everything went smooth.
Today I rode her with only a savvy string around her neck. To ask her to go forward I only need to bring up my energy a little bit, meaning sitting straighter in the sadle and of she goes. I´m not using any legs yet. For turning I just use my focus and weight - no legs there either or carrot stick. For stoping i use the sss-sound and turn down my energy, no reins needed.
Pictures and movie will come.
No matter what other people say - like I ever cared what anyone else said anyway, I´m very very glad I waited for her to turn 7 years before starting her seriously under the sadle.
Fact is that horses are growing until they are 6 - 7 years old. Trakehners grow until they are 7 years.
There are alot of opinions out there about when to start a horse. Well, in Marion´s World it´s not until the horse is fully grown. Which sounds logical, healthy and responsible to me. I´m aware of that most people think different and yes, I´m aware of the financial cost.
Ask yourself the question who and why people came up with the idea to ride a horse when it´s 3 years old.
In the old days horses where used for work, transportation and people depended on them. To have a horse was luxury and of course the people wanted to use the horse as soon as possible to get something out of it.
Same thing in the competition world - it´s all about quick results.
Don´t get me wrong here - I do not critize anyone starting their horses early and honestly I do not care what other people do - or think.
Live and let live.
Back to Milva. Shawn rode her a couple of times first and everything went smooth.
Today I rode her with only a savvy string around her neck. To ask her to go forward I only need to bring up my energy a little bit, meaning sitting straighter in the sadle and of she goes. I´m not using any legs yet. For turning I just use my focus and weight - no legs there either or carrot stick. For stoping i use the sss-sound and turn down my energy, no reins needed.
Pictures and movie will come.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Switching Turn-Out Stable
Malin and I switched our little herd into the middle turn out stable, which is perfect I think.
The middle turn out stable is a little bit smaller than the other two which means that it´s only going to be our four horses and no additional horse. I always worried when a new horse came into our herd because you just never know if it works out or if one of the horses gets hurt or not. When Annabelle came, the little Haflinger, Orkan got kicked pretty bad and needed to be in the hospital for a week and he had stitches for two weeks. When Bea came into our herd she got kicked by Tinka and needed to have stitches and boxrest for two weeks.
One less problem to think or worry about.
The middle turn out stable is a little bit smaller than the other two which means that it´s only going to be our four horses and no additional horse. I always worried when a new horse came into our herd because you just never know if it works out or if one of the horses gets hurt or not. When Annabelle came, the little Haflinger, Orkan got kicked pretty bad and needed to be in the hospital for a week and he had stitches for two weeks. When Bea came into our herd she got kicked by Tinka and needed to have stitches and boxrest for two weeks.
One less problem to think or worry about.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Wonderful Tonight written by Pattie Boyd
An iconic figure of the 1960s and ’70s, Pattie Boyd breaks a forty-year silence in Wonderful Tonight, and tells the story of how she found herself bound to two of the most addictive, promiscuous musical geniuses of the twentieth century and became the most famous muse in the history of rock and roll.
She met the Beatles in 1964 when she was cast as a schoolgirl in A Hard Day’s Night. Ten days later a smitten George Harrison proposed. For twenty-year-old Pattie Boyd, it was the beginning of an unimaginably rich and complex life as she was welcomed into the Beatles inner circle—a circle that included Mick Jagger, Ron Wood, Jeff Beck, and a veritable who’s who of rock musicians. She describes the dynamics of the group, the friendships, the tensions, the musicmaking, and the weird and wonderful memories she has of Paul and Linda, Cynthia and John, Ringo and Maureen, and especially the years with her husband, George.
It was a sweet, turbulent life, but one that would take an unexpected turn, starting with a simple note that began “dearest l.”
I read it quickly and assumed that it was from some weirdo; I did get fan mail from time to time.... I thought no more about it until that evening when the phone rang. It was Eric [Clapton]. “Did you get my letter?”... And then the penny dropped. “Was that from you?” I said....It was the most passionate letter anyone had ever written me.
For the first time Pattie Boyd, former wife of both George Harrison and Eric Clapton, a high-profile model whose face epitomized the swinging London scene of the 1960s, a woman who inspired Harrison’s song “Something” and Clapton’s anthem “Layla,” has decided to write a book that is rich and raw, funny and heartbreaking—and totally honest and open and breathtaking.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Mirror Mirror
Summer 2009
Our relationship with the horse can be seen as reflecting of our relationship with nature and our own selves...We see that instinctive, spirited energy has a place in horses' survival, and maybe our own as well. ~S.L Richards
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Trakehner Familienalben erzählen - Erhard Schulte
A magical treassure book and a must have for all Trakehner lovers. Even if you don´t understand any german it´s still worth to get the book only to look at all those magnificent pictures.
Erhard Schulte describes the life of charismatic, famous Trakehner breeders after the IIWW.
The book is full of wonderful pictures of famous Trakehnerstallions and Trakehnermares - a who is who in the Trakehnerworld.
Even though the Prussian people lost everything in the IIWW and had to leave their beloved land and houses behind, they still were passionated about their horses and did everything to keep the Trakehner alive.
On a personal note - I found lots and lots of Milva´s ancestors in the book. Not only pictures but also stories behind the horses and their owners. Suddenly it was not only a name but the horses became alive.
I found it always easier to find information and pictures about stallions but in Erhard Schulte´s book I also found information about Milva´s famous mare lineage - and pictures!
Milva comes out of the Trakehnermare family MELDUNG von BURGBANN aus der bäuerlichen Zucht von Szagun Pagulbinnen. I was thrilled to read about Meldung!
Above is a picture of Meldung. Meldung was still born in Prussia and went on the big Trek in winter 44/45. After thousend of kilometers and several weeks walking in the deep snow and cold Meldung and her humans finally arrived safety in West Germany. It incredibly to think about what those Trakehner horses achieved!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Preparing for our level 4 online audition aka REALITY CHECK
ok, this is the longreining part. I´m quiete satisfied with it but not a 100% because we have been doing better. What I wanna change is the lay down - she is hesitating too long in the beginning which takes too long time, after all you only have 10minutes for the audition right.
Then I wanna have sideways over the barrels, which I skipped because it´s not always sure she is doing it immediately - not from z5 anyway. I also wanna have the weavepatterns in trot and then go over to canter directly after the weavepatterns and do more of canter - trot transitions. The jump I wanna have me in z5 and not z3 or z4.
I didn´t even bother to add the circling game with the leadchanges cause they are a disaster. I have two versions. The first one she stops directly after doing a leadchange and comes in for a cookie - be aware of what you teach your horse...lol....so yes, I have leadchanges, both leads several times with a happy Milva coming in every single time...lol
The second version I asked her to continue, which of course Milva didn´t agree to, no cookie - me going crazy...lol....so she through a flying dragon Milva tantrum instead.
So no, after doing a reality check I don´t think we will submit our level 4 online just yet...lol....but me being positive, I think we can retape it very soon. Small adjustments and we should be there....
Plan for the upcoming week is to play more with figure 8s and build in the leadchange there which will make it easier for the Milva pony to continue on the pattern. Me think...anyway...
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Testing Leadership
Milva has been a little punk the whole week, testing daily my leadership and having in general alot of own ideas - usually the opposite of what I was asking and happily pretending not to understand what I was talking about.
You just gotta love lbi!
I must have been doing something right though cause today she was her sweet, cooperative selv again and even offered a few laps of collected canter.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Clapton The Autobiography
Clapton: The Autobiography is a book all about Eric Clapton, from his days as a member of the Yardbirds and Cream to his solo career. Eric talks about his addictions, drug and alcohol. He talks about Pattie Boyd and his obsession for her. He speaks of his road to recovery which is sure to inspire anyone who has an addiction and the crossroads that led him to his recovery. Clapton talks about some hobbies he does with his spare time, from collecting art to fishing. This is an autobiography unlike a lot of others where the subject tries to dazzle and impress you, but rather, Clapton the Autobiography is where he bares his soul and instead of trying to impress he is being real.
"I found a pattern in my behavior that had been repeating itself for years, decades even. Bad choices were my specialty, and if something honest and decent came along, I would shun it or run the other way.”
One of the best books I´ve ever read. I know I say that alot...but Eric´s book is one of those I just LOVE! I have to admit that I´m not that interested in music and we got the book because Shawn wanted to read it who is a big Clapton fan and really into music in general. In lack of any other books to read I started this one and I was spellbound from page one.
Clapton is a genius, a perfectionist and the real deal.
I can identify myself with some parts of the book which was an eyeopener to say the least.
My dad always says to be aware of the thin line between genius and insanity. So very true...
Playing & Playing
Playing with figure 8s in canter on the 45´ rope and change of directions at the moment.
I still haven´t put my audition together yet, but now that it is done it´s suddenly not so important anymore - how interesting...
I visited a friend today who moved her horse to another turn out stable in Vallåkra which is pretty nice - from a horse´s view anyway. The horses have a huge adventure pasture - probably four times as big as the three turn-out pastures together in our stable and the barn where they can sleep in is bigger than the whole turn out stable at our place, which holds 20 horses right now, limit for the one in Vallåkra is 6 horses. Riding house is a 10min ride up the road and the area is supposed to be nice for trail rides. It´s way less than half the price we pay now.
I´m not planning to move but it´s always good to have a back up plan...especially because of some didscussions going on again about the feeding.
Oh well, let´s see what´s happening...
I still haven´t put my audition together yet, but now that it is done it´s suddenly not so important anymore - how interesting...
I visited a friend today who moved her horse to another turn out stable in Vallåkra which is pretty nice - from a horse´s view anyway. The horses have a huge adventure pasture - probably four times as big as the three turn-out pastures together in our stable and the barn where they can sleep in is bigger than the whole turn out stable at our place, which holds 20 horses right now, limit for the one in Vallåkra is 6 horses. Riding house is a 10min ride up the road and the area is supposed to be nice for trail rides. It´s way less than half the price we pay now.
I´m not planning to move but it´s always good to have a back up plan...especially because of some didscussions going on again about the feeding.
Oh well, let´s see what´s happening...
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