Monday, October 29, 2012

Switching Turn-Out Stable

Malin and I switched our little herd into the middle turn out stable, which is perfect I think.
The middle turn out stable is a little bit smaller than the other two which means that it´s only going to be our four horses and no additional horse. I always worried when a new horse came into our herd because you just never know if it works out or if one of the horses gets hurt or not. When Annabelle came, the little Haflinger, Orkan got kicked pretty bad and needed to be in the hospital for a week and he had stitches for two weeks. When Bea came into our herd she got kicked by Tinka and needed to have stitches and boxrest for two weeks.
One less problem to think or worry about.


  1. I hope it all works out! They look happy:)

  2. Awesome! Sounds like a good situation :). One less thing to worry about...

  3. Hon ser fräsch ut Milva och lösningen verkar bra. Jag är alltid orolig när man släpper ihop nya hästar.

  4. Det är lite gruvsamt med ihopsläpp och det är definitivt inte kul när hästar bara stoppas ihop. Milvas galopp ser jättefin ut!
