Monday, November 26, 2012

Smartest Pony Ever!

I came an hour later to the stable this morning and Milva was inside waiting for me. As soon as she laid eye on me she gave me this really loud whinny and then she stretched like a cat. She totally reminded me of Charly our youngest cat. They even  have the same face expression.
I could squeeze in a 30min liberty session. We played again with stick to me in walk and trot, doing lots of trainsitions and backing up and change of direction, just playing all over the ridinghouse.
I planned to finish with the circling game. We started off with close range circles and when I backed her out for bigger circles she waited for me and when I sent her she offered to canter. The coolest thing with a lbi!!
I didn´t breath for two whole laps and then asked her in and quit today´s playsession.
Smartest pony ever!