Friday, April 9, 2010

The Gate To Trakehnen 1732

I´m in the middle of reading the book "The Flight Across The Ice" by Patricia Clough. The german title is "In langer Reihe ueber die Haff".
I started to read alot about the Trakehner´s history when I bought Milva. Reading about the people who had to leave their homes and were forced to leave everything behind is heartbreaking. I googled pictures about Trakehnen, how it looks now and how it looked before. Devastating.
It gives me a strange feeling in my heart to know that Milva´s grand grand grandmum was on that treck.
Milva´s grand grand is mentioned in the book as well. Strange. Very strange.
I sure have a horse with alot of history - literally.

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