Monday, December 28, 2009

Two Hours Of Play

I always wondered how people could play for such a long time with their horses. Riding I could understand but not playing. Well, but now I do. I had an awesome time with Milva today.
First I played in the ridinghouse with figure 8´s, the big black tube and the blue barrel. We did all kind of things with the obstacles and it was FUN.
Unfortunatelly I had to leave way to soon. The twins were coming in with two of their competition horses. Both spooked at the obstacles in the ridinghouse. I thought that was kind of funny - or maybe not. Those horses are showjumping horses for big classes and they spook because of a black tube and a blue barrel? intressting.
After our playsession we took a walk with Anita and Orkan. Anita was riding and I walked with Milva. We went down the dirtroad again.
Milva got a bit lbe when we passed by the pasture with the three mares in. They started to buck and canter and Milva thought that looked like a lots of fun and wanted to play too - with the tale high up in the air and fire blowing out her nose.
I interrupted her behaviour and it didn´t take much for her to listen to me again.
Orkan was a bundle of energy as well and Anita had her hands full with calming him down. He was bucking, rearing and trotting along. Luckily Anita is a good rider and could kind of calm him down.
Milva wanted to follow him first but started to listen to me instead. She was never out with another horse acting up and sure wondered what he was up to.
Early morning tomorrow for the vet visit again.


  1. Oh I see Milva can be like Star when going out. I tried to take up up the road a few times but she got scared every time, tail up and huge nostrils throwing hot air at me. I didn't see it as LBE behaviour though, more RB! There are lot of horses around and every time she goes out, they start to run and buck and that seems to scare her. Which means no trail ride for me :( I feel bad I never take her out of the yard but it is not safe at all as there are roads (quiet country roads but still!), such a shame...

  2. hm...with Milva it was definitely lbe behaviour. she was not scared just wanted to have fun. sometimes she can make up her own fairy tales with scarry predators hiding and hunting her when i walk with her. but you can see that she is just making it up and that she is not really scared.
    i also could see the difference between her and orkan today. orkan was suspicious and a bit scared at one point.
    milva was that too once. at the end of the street are some houses and a man walked in his driveway. milva definitely thought he would bbq her.
    i feel bad too that i don´t take her out often enough. it´s going to be one of my new year resolutions to take her out more often.

  3. Yeah I have to do that too but I don't feel confident enough for that. I have to take her out with another horse first but I don't know who would come with me and Mrs Dragon!
    I guess I could ask Mike to come with me one day and try walking her on the road and in the forest. He'll probably think I'm stupid to go on the trail without riding my horse but he's getting used to my weird habits anyway ;)
    Have a nice day xox

  4. Here it's the same... ;)

    I can't go for a trail ride with Sunny for 1 year... She needed me to be at Level 3 until she trusted me enough.
    It's still not perfect, I'm afraid of going out without other riders, but it's really ok for the few times we go out.

    One of my goals is also to do more trail riding with her!!
