Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Parelli Isms

-Normal is what everybody does that everybody else is doing when they´ve got half a mind to.
-Cause your ideas to become your horse´s ideas, but understand his idea first.
-Trust that they will respond, but be ready to correct. Not more one than the other.
-The four most handicapping words in the English language: can´t, won´t, don´t, yeah but.
-There is only one rule - there are no rules!
-Allow your horse time to digest your thoughts.
-Do it for the horse - not to him.
-Don´t walk the extra mile for someone walking in the opposite direction.
-Slow and right beats fast and wrong.
-Practice doesn´t make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect.
-Never ask a trying horse to try.
-If your horse is recreation for you. Can you be recreation for your horse?
-Find out what happens before what happens happens.
-If you always do what you´ve always done, you´ll always get what you´ve always got.
-Take the time it takes so it takes less time.
-Play with the horse that shows up.
-Expect alot, accept a little, reward the slightest try.

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