Thursday, November 17, 2011


I decided to be nice today and mucked out all three turnout stables today as well. I always muck out ours every day and wednesdays I take all three stables to give Malin some free time.
Rode Orkan for 20min in walk on a long rein, stop walk transitions without touching the rein and figure 8s as well. Backing up was going better today as well.
I shortened my stirrups today and it made a huge difference.
Milva got her hooves trimmed today. It´s 4 weeks ago that she got it trimmed the last time so there wasn´t much to trim - according to the ferrier. In Marion´s world he could have trimmed some more. Milva behaved like an little angel which made me very suspicious. She stood completly still for the ferrier and muzzled him softly. She didn´t move once and volonteered to give him one hoof after another.
After trimming I took her for a walk and she still behaved way too well for being Mischivious Milva, she didn´t even try to eat grass when we walked through the field which of course made all my inner alarm lamps going on.
Instead of walking for 30min we walked for 1 hour and I didn´t turn around before she pooped.
I don´t think it was a colic though, she didn´t show any colic signs anyway.
Maybe she just decided to pretend to be a grown up horse today - the stress is on the word pretend.
I´m gonna check on her again later this evening just to make sure she is ok.


  1. Hm, konstigt, hon ville inte ens äta nåt????? Hoppas hon är bra lilla sötnosen.
    By the way, hast du zu viel Zeit, superwoman

  2. Ja inte är det Orkan som lärt henne att inte äta men jag gissar att de kan ha känningar i magen nu när gräset fryser på natten. Hon åt som vanligt i går kväll i alla fall.
    Märks på Orkan att han tycker det är kul med alla olika träningar har får testa. Körde lite av din träning i tisdags och så hoppade jag i går så att du klarar det på ditt prov.
    Det är tur vi har dig som tar hand om våra hästars sängar.

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