Friday, November 11, 2011

Remembrance Day 2011 - Let´s Remember The War Horse

“I believe that every soldier who has anything to do with horse or mule has come to love them for what they are and the grand work they have done and are doing in and out of the death zones.” Captain Sidney Galtrey, autumn 1918

Naturally my thoughts go out to all the horses in war and specially to all the Trakehner´s who had to leave their country because of the Red Army approaching fast.
A piece of history not well known and not much talked about. For many Germans the loss of East Prussia is still an emotional issue, it sure is for me. Alot of the people who were forced to flee had lived over 600 years in that part of the country and in a few years all of them will be dead and no more witnesses will be alive to tell their story.

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