Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another Decision Is Made

....and it feels so much better. From now on I will listen to my heart!

Feeling I have to distance myself from certain people at the stable but that shouldn´t be too hard. I´m not a herdhuman anyway and like doing being by myself and doing things by myself.

Of course I will still talk to those people - if needed but not more or less. There are still some people I like to hang out with - it´s not that those people are bad people I just feel they are too far away from my philsophy and I want to stay close to my principles.

I also have to be more aware of my right brain behaviour and my right brain decisions!

It doesn´t matter what people say and it doesn´t matter how long it takes. Believe in yourself and you´ll fly high. The only thing that matters is that you are true to yourself and that you follow your heart.


  1. Well said! I always follow my heart. My zodiacal sign is Aries and it is said that aries are very impulsive, don't think before acting and that is what I do. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad but at least no one tells me what to do, I always choose my way! :)

  2. I hope it's not me you don't want to hang around with. Orkan should be sorry if he and big mama are to "on to you".

  3. This film I like

  4. Silly girl. Of course not Anita :)))
    Orkan is my son in law so you are family as well :)

  5. Anita - Honza Blaha is doing Parelli as well :)

  6. Phewww god to read that.
    I understod he's doing PNH guy when I saw the carrot-stick in his hand. *yes I can see*
