Monday, September 19, 2011

Wind Of Change

I don´t like changes. I love my routines.
I do think it´s time for a little change though. I´m very much against moving horses around alot. They do like their routines, their well known surroundings, their friends,...
It´s nothing that´s going to happen today or tomorrow but it will be a good thing to keep our eyes open - cause all we want is the best for our little herd. It wouldn´t only be Milva, there are more that would like to breathe some fresh air, some positive air that´s not clouded with hormone filled menopause air.
Not everything should be about money and a little thank you from time to time wouldn´t hurt.
Wish and you will receive...
We wish for a perfect turn out stable, with a big enough stable so all horses can spend the night inside and lay down. The bedding will be clean and soft and no one will complain about how much straw we take. A big pasture with trees - an adventure pasture so they will never be bored. A ridinghouse so light and natural that it will be a pleasure to be inside.
An outside ridingpaddock with lots of different obstacles to play with. The stable will be surrounded by perfect ridingtrails through the forest with some hills to climb on. We will be surrounded by positive, progressive people who will put always the welfare of the horse first and never hit or scream a horse. The people there will be friendly, honest and helpful. Only the best forage will be fed to our horses - hay, not haylage.
So come on Universe bring it on!


  1. " some positive air that´s not clouded with hormone filled menopause air." jag hoppas att det kommer er frisk luft till del inom det snaraste.

  2. Du skriver så sant så sant. Hoppas jag vinner en massa pengar så jag kan bygga det perfekta stallet i en underbar miljö.
