Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Moos & Horses On The Loose

When I was on the way to the stable this morning to feed the horses their breakfast I met a moose :))!!
Mooses are not that common down here in Skåne, or at least not around where we live. I guess the hunting season has started and now they are on the moove. He came very close to the car and trotted a few meters next to me and then turned in the opposite direction. I sure hope he is gonna make it!
Next adventure occured when I arrived at the stable and saw one horsehead peeking out the stabledoor, looking quite satisfied with himself and munching hay.
I usually arrive at the stable between 6.30 and 6.45 and the stableowner doesn´t come out before 7.30 to feed their horses. I knocked on the door to see if anyone was up yet but no one answered. Back I went to catch the loose horse and had to find out that a second one escaped his box as well.
The whole stable was upside down of course and poop, blankets and halters everywhere.
When I finally went over to our turnout stable I found Milva and Tinka laying down and sleeping in the straw and Paulina and Annabelle where guarding them. It would have been such a nice picture but unfortunately I forgot my phone at home.
The mares seem to get along really well and they looked very harmonic and calm together.
Orkan had to spend the night in the equine hospital cause he got a bad wound. Poor him.

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