Thursday, June 7, 2012

Such A Perfect Day!

Aren´t those the cutest cupcakes ever!
The old farmer cut the grass the other day and yesterday he put wrap around it so now we are allowed to play on the big field for a couple of days. It would be the perfect place to film an audition.
We spent three hours on the field and it was totally magical. Milva was all tuned in and very much in a "Yes, Mam" - mood. I only needed to think about a change of gait or direction and she would do it.
Mostly we played with different variations of the circling game using the 45`. She wasn´t like that yesterday though, yesterday she was more like rascal - a very sweet one but netherless a hoodlum ;).
I devided the circling game in three short sessions with a long grazing break in between, perfect for a lbi.


  1. Did you make those cupcakes? If you did? You're amazing! But yes they're super cute! Glad Milva and you are having fun!

  2. no, i didn´t, sure wish i did though... i found them on fb ;)
