Monday, June 25, 2012

Rain, Rain Go Away

another one of Johan´s pic. I love the colours in those pictures!
Not much new on the horsey front. Very unlike me I made a very short trip to the stable today, only to check on the critters, gave Milva some extra hay and left again.
My beloved Scooty decided to break down yesterday when I was about to scoot home from work - at 10.00 p.m. The downside of working in another country - like me in Denmark, is, that it can get pretty complicated to get home in the middle of the night. All the pouring rain didn´t make it any more fun either.
One of the reason why I love my job so much are my amazing collegues! When one of them found out that I was stranded, she immediately called her husband, without telling me - they live 40km from our work, and he came in the middle of the night to lend me their car so I could get home and he drove home with my collegue. Gotta love them!!!
As a typical sagitarious I thought a little bit of rest, some more gas and oil would fix Scootys problem - like with horses, a bit of undemanding time, some carrots and hay. Needless to say it did
Now I´m looking forward to an adventerous trip home tonight, using train, ferry and bus.


  1. So sorry to hear about your transportation issues but the comparison to giving horses undemanding time sure did make me laugh. What, it didn't work? Darn! haha :) Love following your adventures with Milva and your life adventures as well!

  2. Not a good time for sagittariuses' cars at the moment, huh? Mine broke down too last week, in the middle of nowhere on a Friday night!

    Undemanding time did not help, either ;-) .

  3. Kunde den attans S inte haft sin breakdown förra veckan när min gamla bil var ledig. Nu är den på väg till Norge. Behöver du låna bil?

  4. That´s why I hate cars and things like that.... stackars dig!

  5. very blond approach from my side, ey ;). Scooty is up and running again. Shawn came to rescue and fixed it - the problem was some dirt on the sparkblug.
    Hope you car works again!
