Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ferrier Time :0)

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain (1835-1910

Still very busy here. On the good note - I caught up with all my studies and our liberty is coming along.
Spent all morning in the stable. After mucking out all three turn out stables, feeding, filling up all the watertubs, getting and preparing 3 horses for the ferrier I finally had time to play a bit with Milva and then it was Milva´s turn to get her hooves trimmed.
This was our first time with the new ferrier - a young kid who has been going as an apprentice with the old ferrier. Both of them always come every second thursday to our stable to shoe and trim. Very convenient.
Soooo Milva had met our new ferrier two weeks ago for a meet and greet and to see if she would try to kill him immediately or at least give him a change. The last two years she always got sedated by our last ferrier/veterinary because Milva simply hated her. Sometimes it can be funny to have an opinionated horse and sometimes less funny.
Anyway, two weeks ago our new ferrier came to the point where he was allowed to touch Milva - she still made big eyes though and you could see the white in her eyes, steam coming out of her nostrils, but at least he was allowed to touch her and after a while he was allowed to look at all four hooves.
I was still pretty nervous today though but everything went fine. Well first he wasn´t allowed to come close again but then he turned around and waited and after a while Milva changed her mind about him and everything was ok. The trimming went pretty fast and she stood completely still, didn´t move one inch, good girl.
If it wouldn´t have worked today I would have started to trim her myself because of course I have never any problems with her hooves.
Must be her Trakeherblood coming out I guess.

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