Sunday, October 24, 2010

October Savvy Club Shipment

Audio CD:
"Principles, Purpose and Time"
Pat discusses Principle #8: Principles, Purpose and Time are the tools of teaching.

Mastery Lesson
Pat's Lesson - The Rock Slide
Linda's Lesson - Linda with Dressage Master Walter Zettl

October DVD:
"Bits and Pieces"
Pat and Coconut give a presentation of the savvy and sequence of the halter, hackamore, snaffle bit and cradle bridle, and how to best present your horse. Join Linda and Allure and Remmer on building trust and confidence in bareback riding, as well as Horsenality™-specific strategies for the Figure 8 Pattern.


  1. Vilken nivå på medlemskap har du och i vilket format kommer mastery lessons?

    Det ser ut att varit en fin dag i inlägget nedan, liberty och fika!
