Friday, July 23, 2010

I´m Back - And Alive

Sorry for not updating lately but I had to spend a few days in the hospital. Last weekend I got fever and when it went up to 40 it was even too much for me.
Monday morning I went to the emergency and after being diagnosed with a lifethreatening kidneystone and a big infection in the whole body they kept me there.
As a nure I hate being a patient in the hospital. And I have to admit I´m not the easiest patient to have to do with either.
Anyway I was allowed to go home thursday evening but I still have the stone in me. To help my kidney I have a tube in the kidney now, next to stone. The tube is going in through my back and it´s super discusting and hurts! I probably have to go around with it for another two weeks. So much to the great swedish health system!
Anita and Patricia took care of Milva baby and I went there today for a short little while to pet her. Not much horseying around for me in the next couple of weeks but alots of time to catch up with my Savvy Club dvds :)


  1. Oj, var rädd om dig nu.

    Kanske en stor utmaning, men sköt om dig på alla sätt och låt dig bli hel.

  2. Hoppas du blir helt bra snart! Ta hand om dig!


  3. Ja ta hand om dig nu på alla sätt du kan komma på. Bra inställning att du har tid för Savvy Club DVDerna.

  4. Ja ta nu hand om dig och va en duktig patient. Tänk att få lite extra studietid.
