Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hot Summerday

but at least we don´t have any nasty flying insects here. Not many anyway. I guess that´s the advantage of living so close to the sea.
2,5 h of undemanding time with Milva
10 min online with Milva - Kompliment
10 min udt with Mandrick and carrotstick
10 min udt with Miss Tik
10 min online with Orkan
30 min freestyle with Orkan
I rode Orkan with the Natural Hackamore again and without saddle - with my skirt on. I guess we must have looked even funnier than usual cause people looked even more amused. I´m glad I can amuse people :). I was simply too lazy to saddle him and I forgot my ridingpants at home. Usually I have a pair of jeans in my SUV but I took them out yesterday to finally wash them. And I thought when I ride in my skirt my legs get a suntan as well. Who said I´m vein???
Orkan was lovely. No arguments today.
Milva was doing well too. She was a bit upset though that I took Orkan and not here. It was heartbreaking to see her standing there looking at me. I think the next time I take her with me.
My little girl got almost eaten by blue horse-eating plastig bags. She ordered me to go and check them out first - to make sure they would eat me first instead of her. When she saw that I survived and the bags wouldn´t attack me she came too. All cocky of a sudden and biting in them. Better to kill first than be killed ;).


  1. :-))) Du är rolig idag. Måste verkligen se kul ut, synd att ingen tog en bild ;-)
    Milva ser mycket smalare ut eller hur?

  2. jag brukar rida i kjol - men med saddel ;).
    tror ocksa att milva har gatt ner i vikt, det finns ju nästan ingen gräs i hagen och därför betar jag henne minst en timme varje dag - eller tva. men det är bra att hon har gatt ner :)

  3. Vilken vacker häst du har :)! Instämmer med er om att hon ser mycket slankare ut! Kanon att ha så mycket tid med undemanding time o beta :)
