Monday, February 15, 2010

Saddling With A Hug

I watched the freestyle dvd of the new level 1/2 program this morning and decided to focus on saddling with no resistent today. Milva didn't had any saddle on since november. She didn't show any resistance whatsoever.
Since I started saddling Milva I always kept Patg's word in my mind how to put the saddle on with a hug and a swing and not like a Grizzly bear trying to kill. I'm always cinching up in at least 3 stages as well.
Saddling a horse is a very intimidate moment and should be done with awareness. I have to admit that I'm pretty proud of my little girl. She is standing still when I saddle her and not trying to go anywhere even though she is not tied up. I don't even need to have the rope in my hand.
After I saddled her today I let her eat some hay. I don't want that she thinks oh saddle on means let's go.
After eating for a little while we went to the ridinghouse and played for a little bit. We did change of direction in trott, tossing the rope over her head while standing in z3, yoyo, some circling game and we started with the spanish walk. She raised her left leg up to the spanish walk in one step so I stopped it right there.
In the cicling game in trott she started to canter behind my back with a squeeky sound and when she was in front of me she trotted again, coming behind me same thing - squeek and canter. That was too funny! She has never done that before!


  1. Tack! Savvy, det ska jag tänka mer på att sadling inte alltid behöver betyda ridning :)

  2. ja jag tycker det ar viktigt. speciellt med en lbi och en ung hast. men i vart fall tror nog milva inte alls att saddeln har nagonting att gora med maste maste verkligen komma igang med ridningen nu!
