Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sophie´s Blog About The Summit

My savvy sister Sophie wrote an amazing post about the Summit. I wonder how she remembered all those things! The only thing I remember is the food and sitting next to Sam Caporn - not Capricorn and talking about Magic´s flight over here.
Sophie and I decided to probably bring our babies over to the US when we do our courses there.
I will write more about the summit later but if you are intressted check out Sophie´s blog - intressting reading!


  1. You didn't write the address of my blog, you silly!! :)

    Sorry but I am still laughing my head off with the capricorn thing! So funny! :)

  2. There you go! :)
    Thanks for this fantastic photo of me and Pat, that's my favourite. You're a really good paparazzi after all, see! xx

  3. tssssss it´s not so easy to get all the things straight - like writing your blogadress when mentioning your
    i still can´t get over your description of the day! so awesome! you remembered all the details!!! why can´t i be like that???? tsssssss
