Sunday, December 19, 2010

Trying Out The Natural Performer

Milva didn´t care much about it. On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the most worried, she was maybe a 2. I took off the back cinch though so we will see if she reacts more when I put it back on the next time.
My saddling skills aren´t the best yet and it doesn´t look very elegant, but I will work on that. It sure is a big difference to saddle with a westernsaddle compare to the dressage saddle I had before.
Unfortunatelly I couldn´t move Milva around as much as I wanted with the saddle on cause another girl came in for her Dressage lesson. Right now it seems to be hopeless to use the ridinghouse. If you ride dressage or showjump you are allowed to book the ridinghouse for trainings but if you do groundwork you are not. I try not to get bothered by it but I just think it´s aint fair. I mean I - or we, pay as much as the other boarders so shouldn´t we have the same rights?


  1. Looks great!! :) I would love to have a NP, but Sunny doesn't like it at all.

    Maybe you could talk with the others to make sure you can book the ridinghouse for groundwork too? I'm sure you'll find a solution for that! :o)
    Do you think she cares much about the back cinch? Have you prepared her with a rope around her belly?

  2. The other ones are not the problem. It´s the stable owner´s rules that counts. If she say that you can´t book a time for groundwork you can´t.
    Why didn´t Sunny like the NP?
    And yes, I did prepare Milva alots with the rope around the belly ;).

  3. Usch, vad orättvist, vad spelar det för roll vad du gör med din häst, vad finns det för konstiga människor???

  4. :( I hope for you that he'll change this stupid rule soon...
    I don't know why she didn't like it, but she laid down with it until i removed it from her back.

  5. Wow, she really didn`t like it!!!

  6. Prior and proper preparation prevents p-poor performance. Well done!!! :-)

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central
