Monday, May 24, 2010


Milva and I spend alots of undemanding time together this weekend.
Today I got myself together and started to play with her again. We spend some time in the scarry paddock, doing some circling game, checking out the Pulvermanditch and some grazing.
I also took her for a short time into the ridinghouse. I had to refresh her memory about the yoyogame. When I try to yoyo her she is now always taking off to the right - doing the circling game. Talking about assumptions....
Well, I think I have fixed the yoyo game again. It took a little while though to convince her that wiggling my finger does NOT mean to take off.
Well, I´m pretty sure she knew what I ment all the time but she probably thought. Oh what the heck, let´s get it done with - those stupid

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