Monday, July 9, 2012

Yesterday Summer - Today Autumn

...feels like that anyway...
1 hour of grazing and 30min longreining.
After giving Milva a few days break I started her slowly again today. We started with lots of scratches after taking her in to the ridinghouse - it rained all day (again). Then we slowly started with some sideways and two lay downs. Today she didn´t hesitate when I asked her to lay down and instead followed my suggestion immediately. While she was laying down I fed her cookies and when she stood up by herself I stopped then I asked her one more time to lay down while I sat on the floor and she laid down again :)). "Braves Mäderl" - like my Dad says.
We finished our session with longreining from z5 with lots of transistions and change of direction while circling - turning away from me.


  1. Great picture! Yes, please tell the rain to come to Berkley MI, LOL.

  2. Your picture is so pretty! And great job with the lay down!
