Saturday, July 7, 2012

Friday & Saturday

Papa hanging out with Milva

Papa, Marie, Anita & Lilla Prinsen

                                               Milva sharing hay with Anita

My Papa just left and is on his way back to Austria again. Talking about a short visit. His older cat back home hasn´t been eaten well since he left and is looking for him everywhere so of course he got concerned and wanted to leave earlier as planed. Understandable though.
At least he got to meet Milva and got to see how we live now.
We are planing on going down to Austria in autumn for a visit. It really is not that far if you think about it.
A new horse moved into our turnout stable this Thursday. Because of my Papa´s visit I forgot to mention it. It´s a huge swedish halfblood mare called Bea and with her comes a super nice owner - Marie. I totally like Marie. We had already "fika" - swedish word for coffe & cake twice and we went together with Johan to pick strawberries.


  1. I think her current shade of grey is PERFECT. Too bad you can 'freeze' or 'pause' her there ;).

  2. And P.S., the first photo with your dad in it is just adorable. What a special photo!

  3. thanks Emily :), we actually talked about her changing colour yesterday. i wonder if she really is going to turn totally white??? her mum was very light gray when she was 5 years old, that´s when she got milva. when she was 7 she was almost totally white. i sure wish she would stay that dark though...
    miss my dad already. it sucks that my whole family lives 1200km away...
