Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It's officially ours now - nu är det klart med gården :)))

The farm is officially ours now. In our mind it has been ours for weeks now. Peter has been renovating it in his head for weeks now and a couple of weekends ago he worked all Saturday and Sunday on drawing the renovation plans. The reason the whole business took a bit longer was because we got more property with it. Initially the old owners only wanted to sell the houses. First we got all the pasture with it without discussing it and last week we asked for half an hektar more. Yesterday they called and excepted our offer. We so very much like the couple that's selling the house. They live on the neighbouring farm and it's the wife's parents farm we are buying. It has been a family farm for a very long time. They also told the realtor that they really wish we will buy it cause it feels so right with us. Next week we are gonna sign the contract. Everything takes so long time, but Peter is in England this week on a business trip then he needs to go to Stockholm and after that Birgitta - the woman who is selling it, is getting an operation on her foot. I guess one week more or less doesn't really matter anyway. So incredibly happy!!!


  1. Åhh så mysigt.
    Blir det drängstugan nanny Anita ska bo i?

  2. Helt klart :). Ringer dig sedan... Ska bara hoppa in i duschen först...

  3. Is that a double door? It's beautiful! Love the lock too. Congratulations on the extra land. Always need extra land for more grass.

  4. Yes it is :). I will open a new blog for the farm and the renovation this weekend. Still can't believe it's true :))
