Orkan moved to a new stable yesterday and became a stable horse again. I visited Anita and him yesterday afternoon. Anita took this picture of Orkan´s new herd - the gray one is a 2,5 year old stallion, the dark one in the middle is a trotting horse and the one to the right is a nordswedish coldblood. It´s a boy´s herd only.
The stable is only 2,5km away from our stable so it should be possible to ride there later on.
It felt strange to came to the stable today and Orkan wasn´t there. I do think it´s gonna be more quiet in our herd now though...
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Filmed Patricia´s & Tinka´s Freestyle level 2 Audition
Milva and I continue our freestyle riding...pictures will follow...
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas!
Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen. ~Author unknown
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Riding is going very well with the natural hackamore and without - only using a savvy string around her neck. I´m not using the saddle right now mostly because I still think it´s a pain in the ass to saddle with. It´s so big, heavy, bulky and it takes forever to get the theraflex pad right.
Don´t get me wrong, I still love the Natural Performer - who wouldn´t. It´s just I´m a spoiled dressage girl who is not used to such big saddles.
Riding with the bareback pad is super fun though and I love to feel Milva so close underneath me so I will continue with it for a while and see how it goes.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Cancer - Step Outside the Box written by Ty Bollinger
No, I don´t have cancer but I also plan on not to die of it.
A very good summory of truths about cancer treatments and preventions with alot of good references to researches to compliment this essential information.
A book that belongs in every household.
As a compliment to this book I recommend to also read "The 80/10/10" book written by Dr. Douglas Graham.
It kind of goes hand in hand with the cancer book.
The same information is backed up or reflected at www.nutritionfacts.org by Dr. Michael Gregor who reviews medical journeys, studies, reports. Giving you the most up to date and accurate information about nutrition.
Everything he presents is referenced so that you can review the actual study and by which organisation it was contucted.
A very good summory of truths about cancer treatments and preventions with alot of good references to researches to compliment this essential information.
A book that belongs in every household.
As a compliment to this book I recommend to also read "The 80/10/10" book written by Dr. Douglas Graham.
It kind of goes hand in hand with the cancer book.
The same information is backed up or reflected at www.nutritionfacts.org by Dr. Michael Gregor who reviews medical journeys, studies, reports. Giving you the most up to date and accurate information about nutrition.
Everything he presents is referenced so that you can review the actual study and by which organisation it was contucted.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
First Bareback Ride
Two first´s today. In the morning, riding with carrot stick and in the afternoon riding bareback - or well, on the bareback pad. Milva is super soft without a saddle! She has a tremendous wide back and is smooth as a Cadillac. I think she likes it better without a saddle as well. Getting on her was no problem. I climped up on that little wall in the ridinghouse where you can sit and put my leg over her. She actually sidepassed on step over and stayed put until I asked her to walk on. Awesome pony as always!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Quiet - The Power of Introverts in a World That Can´t Stop Talking written by Susan Cain
To begin with, you will get a whole lot more out of this book if you understand the basic meaning behind being an introvert versus being an extrovert. After all, the main purpose behind the book, “Quiet” is to provide you with a deeper understanding of what it’s like to live as an introvert in an overly celebrated extroversion society.
Being an Extrovert: Qualities
•Obtaining and being concerned with gratification that comes outside of one’s self
•Comfortable in large groups
•Always involved or engaged in public or community activities
•Extremely enthusiastic
Being an Extrovert: Work Environment
•Managing large groups
•Political aspirations
Being an Introvert: Qualities
•Predominately interested and concerned with one’s own mind
•More energy during self reflection
•Much more reserved
•Less talkative
•Much more independent
•Much more solitary
Being an Introvert: Work Environment
•Computer programmer
Although the information listed above will show only some differences between introversion and extroversion, the idea is to give you an understanding of what it means to be either one, and how this book talks about being an introvert living in a society that promotes extroversion.
This book touches on a variety of different issues which begins with the ideal of being an extrovert. This is something that has been instilled in almost every one since their first day of school. Because of this cultural ideal, school systems combine 20 to 30 students in a single classroom based on the ideology that everyone is an extrovert, therefore everyone learns the same way. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Ms. Cain goes on to talk about charisma and leadership and how collaboration can sometimes be the main killer behind creativity. This is talked about in great length because there are introverts who are forced to collaborate with others and move away what comes natural to them and that is their creativity that comes from living and being within themselves. She also talks about how the extrovert ideal creates individuals that are not all that individual. Most people, over time begin to mirror each other which ultimately will limit the production of individuality.
In this book, Ms. Cain also talks about the historical roots of the extrovert ideal, the pitfalls, defining both introversion and extroversion, distinguishing what introversion is, and differentiating the core of both identities. She also talks about those that have both personality traits whereas sometimes a person may act as though they are an introvert, and at other times act as though they are extroverts.
Towards the end of the book, Ms. Cain also talks about the psychology of temperament, what it’s like to be an introvert in the workplace, child and education development, finding a balance in a person’s life in terms of trying to dominate one ideal or another, and what the future holds for the extroversion idealism and what it will be like to be an introvert in the future.
Quite frankly, this is one book that will have you riveted to the pages simply because of the information provided on both aspects of a person’s personality. “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” is a book that will help you understand that you have been created the way you are for a purpose. And as an introvert, you may feel that extroverts have it good right now; however, it’s important for you to know that you have a place – because when all of the noise dies down, people tend to look towards the thinker because for the most part an introvert really does have superior characteristics.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Productive Morning
Good thing I was productive in the morning cause now I feel like not doing anything for a long time - which just came in time now that I start my five days tomorrow.
Farrier was here first thing in the morning. It´s so convenient in our stable cause two farriers come every two weeks on a Thursday so I never need to make an appointment.
Milva was like a trooper again. She didn´t move one millimeter and volunteered every hoof.
After that a 20min walk around the pastures and then a liberty session in the ridinghouse playing with close range circles again and bigger ones and change of direction and a million transitions.
Farrier was here first thing in the morning. It´s so convenient in our stable cause two farriers come every two weeks on a Thursday so I never need to make an appointment.
Milva was like a trooper again. She didn´t move one millimeter and volunteered every hoof.
After that a 20min walk around the pastures and then a liberty session in the ridinghouse playing with close range circles again and bigger ones and change of direction and a million transitions.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
-12 this morning.
Playing with figure 8s and change of direction in w/t/c in the roundpen.
Squeeze game over barrles, sideways over the barrels.
Lay down with extrem friendly game.
Circling game with close range circles and bigger circles in w/t/c.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
-10 this morning and sunny. Took Milva for a hike around the pastures which was more adventerous than I had planned to. She pretended to be an arabian again and was pretty exuberant - that happened after I took those pictures but I think she already started to plan her mischief in that last picture ;).
It was super fun though and it never got out of hand and it was a really good workout for both of us. I only wishes I would have had snowshoes because of all the snowdrifts. On some parts we both sank down in the snow up to our knees.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Round Pen Work
Bright and early at the barn again. It took me 30min to get there though because of all the snowdrifts on the road.
Much improvement since yesterday´s session. It sure pays off to quit and I mean really quit when teaching Milva a new thing and she starts getting it and putting effort in it. Today she gave me some nice change of directions in walk and trot and smooth transitions. We finished our session off with circles in an open area - close range and bigger ones in w/t/c and change of direction and extreme friendly game while she laid down in z5 and walking around her slapping the ground.
Much improvement since yesterday´s session. It sure pays off to quit and I mean really quit when teaching Milva a new thing and she starts getting it and putting effort in it. Today she gave me some nice change of directions in walk and trot and smooth transitions. We finished our session off with circles in an open area - close range and bigger ones in w/t/c and change of direction and extreme friendly game while she laid down in z5 and walking around her slapping the ground.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
-12 and snowstorm this morning, hurray for a ridinghouse!
I arrived at 7.30 a.m at the barn so I could build a round corral in the ridinghouse before everyone else showed up.
Milva was a bit flighty because of the storm outside and all the noises. It took a little while for her to connect to me. Round corral work needs some more sessions before I can tape. Typical me thinking everything is so easy. After a few discussions with Milva she did some nice change of directions though. She just needs to express her opinion about certain things before putting some effort in.
Later on I watched Patricia preparing for her freestyle level 2 audition and gave her some tips. We are probably gonna tape it next week - yeah - at least one of us gets some taping done.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Happy Birthday To ME!
Yesterday was my Birthday. I was early in the stable and played with Milva a little bit in the ridinghouse than had banana, chocolate chip pancakes. Later Shawn, Johan and I went to the Christmas market in Fredriksdal, here in Helsingborg. I love christmas markets but honestly those in Austria and Germany are better and more cosier than those here in Sweden.
In the evening we had mexican food and than watched a movie.
Johan took some nice pictures yesterday, I will upload them later on.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thinking Fast and Slow written by Daniel Kahneman (winner of the Nobel prize in economics)
To Think, or Not to Think. That is the question.
Kahneman's close examination of how people think and rely on their guts and/or forebrain to do their thinking for them. He shows fascinating examples of experiments on how people makes judgements, assess risks, bargain, negotiate; how logic get short-circuited by emotion and biases that we are sometimes not even aware of.
While the book describes many experiments and even gives the reader/listener a chance to vicariously experience what his subjects went through, it also has some practical value: 1. He briefly describes some countermeasures for eliminating "thinking errors" like jumping to conclusions or relying on an "availability heuristic" to determine the probability of an event; 2. And briefly describes some of the socio-political implications of this research can be used and abused.
I recommend this good read as a kind of primer for those wary of being influenced by corporate and government propaganda anywhere in the world.
Overall it´s a good read but it took me some time to get through it. It´s not exactly a book you can read on the ferry from and to work. You actually have to sit down and study it and think about it. I´m a very fast reader and had to force myself to slow down a number of times to actually understand and absorb the context.
I´m gonna read it again in a few months even though it did not make it in my top 10 list.
Kahneman's close examination of how people think and rely on their guts and/or forebrain to do their thinking for them. He shows fascinating examples of experiments on how people makes judgements, assess risks, bargain, negotiate; how logic get short-circuited by emotion and biases that we are sometimes not even aware of.
While the book describes many experiments and even gives the reader/listener a chance to vicariously experience what his subjects went through, it also has some practical value: 1. He briefly describes some countermeasures for eliminating "thinking errors" like jumping to conclusions or relying on an "availability heuristic" to determine the probability of an event; 2. And briefly describes some of the socio-political implications of this research can be used and abused.
I recommend this good read as a kind of primer for those wary of being influenced by corporate and government propaganda anywhere in the world.
Overall it´s a good read but it took me some time to get through it. It´s not exactly a book you can read on the ferry from and to work. You actually have to sit down and study it and think about it. I´m a very fast reader and had to force myself to slow down a number of times to actually understand and absorb the context.
I´m gonna read it again in a few months even though it did not make it in my top 10 list.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Der Trakehner Hengst des Jahres "Connery" v. Buddenbrock - Karo As
Connery ist der Hengst des Jahres
Connery ist der Trakehner Hengst des Jahres 2012! Ausserordentlich erfolgreich ist seine Nachzucht. Jetzt wurde CONNERY während des Gala-Abend in Neumünster aufgrund seiner Leistungsvererbung mit der grössten Auszeichnung, die an einen Vererber vergeben wird, augezeichnet. Der 14-jährige braune Sohne des Buddenbrock brillierte unter Dorothea Paar in der ausverkauften Holstenhalle. CONNERY ist nach seinem Vater BUDDENBROCK (2010) und CONSUL (1997) der dritte Höremer Hengst, der den Titel "Hengst des Jahres" trägt.
The Trakehner society has decided to proclaim Connery Trakehner Stallion of the Year 2012. The bay stallion will be honoured during the 2012 Trakehner Stallion Licensing in Neumunster on 20 October 2012.
The 14-year old Connery was already proclaimed elite sire and can now add Stallion of the Year to his list of achievements.
Bred by Manuela and Gisela Harder in Hamburg, Connery was named by the late Katrin Poll of Gestut Hörem who had bought the young stallion as a foal. He is by Buddenbrock out of Caro Dame II (by Karo As).
Licensed in 2000, Connery did his 30-day performance test and qualified for the Bundeschampionate. As a youngster he was ridden by Katrin Poll and Anna Sophie Fiebelkorn.
His most famous offspring is the Bundeschampion and reserve world champion Imperio, now ridden and partly owner by Hubertus Schmidt, as well as world eventing young horse champion Charlie Weld.
Connery ist der Hengst des Jahres
Connery ist der Trakehner Hengst des Jahres 2012! Ausserordentlich erfolgreich ist seine Nachzucht. Jetzt wurde CONNERY während des Gala-Abend in Neumünster aufgrund seiner Leistungsvererbung mit der grössten Auszeichnung, die an einen Vererber vergeben wird, augezeichnet. Der 14-jährige braune Sohne des Buddenbrock brillierte unter Dorothea Paar in der ausverkauften Holstenhalle. CONNERY ist nach seinem Vater BUDDENBROCK (2010) und CONSUL (1997) der dritte Höremer Hengst, der den Titel "Hengst des Jahres" trägt.
The Trakehner society has decided to proclaim Connery Trakehner Stallion of the Year 2012. The bay stallion will be honoured during the 2012 Trakehner Stallion Licensing in Neumunster on 20 October 2012.
The 14-year old Connery was already proclaimed elite sire and can now add Stallion of the Year to his list of achievements.
Bred by Manuela and Gisela Harder in Hamburg, Connery was named by the late Katrin Poll of Gestut Hörem who had bought the young stallion as a foal. He is by Buddenbrock out of Caro Dame II (by Karo As).
Licensed in 2000, Connery did his 30-day performance test and qualified for the Bundeschampionate. As a youngster he was ridden by Katrin Poll and Anna Sophie Fiebelkorn.
His most famous offspring is the Bundeschampion and reserve world champion Imperio, now ridden and partly owner by Hubertus Schmidt, as well as world eventing young horse champion Charlie Weld.
On the Cover of the Trakehner Magazine - Connery & Carlsberg
Milva´s dad became Trakehner stallion of the year 2012. Next to him with the white face is Carlsberg his grandson.
I always knew that Milva´s bloodlines are something of the extraordinary and Trakehner people often get ecstatic when I tell them whom Milva is after. Neverless I´m surprised every time I see them perform or read an article about them.
Milva is Milva. I would love her as much if she would be a crossing between a dragon and a walruss (which she might as well be).
Maybe I should dust her off this week and film a little liberty session and send it to Hörem.
I kind of feel I have Connery´s bohemian daughter, the rebell, the hippie that went to Walddorfschool instead of College, but maybe they would find it interesting - or amusing, funny, to see "the other" side of the traditional training. Hm...what you think?
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sunday Morning
Early morning in the stable again, it was -5 outside. I was there at 7.30 and woke up Milva and Tinka who both slept together inside. Orkan and Paulina were outside eating.
30min liberty: close range circles in walk and trot both leads, change of direction, bigger cantering circles, both leads. Sideways towards me and away in trot. Stick to me in walk and trot all over the arena with change of direction and lots of transitions - trot - stop - back up - trot.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Snow in Skåne
It started to snow here a little bit last night. As much as I love snow, it is not so much fun when you are on a scooty, riding home in the middle of the night from work and trying to not miss the ferry because if I would I would need to wait another 30min for the next one and probably freeze my a** off.
30min liberty this morning. Playing with cavaletti that someone must have forgotten to take away last night. Playing squeeze game over it in w/t/c, stopping halfway over it - which works sometimes and sometimes it doesn´t, lots of sideways away and towards me with the cavaletti under her belly. I don´t think Milva really knows that cavalettis are actually for jumping or going over it, as soon as she sees a pole on the ground she goes halfway over it and then sideways. Definitely not a jumping horse in the making ;).
30min liberty this morning. Playing with cavaletti that someone must have forgotten to take away last night. Playing squeeze game over it in w/t/c, stopping halfway over it - which works sometimes and sometimes it doesn´t, lots of sideways away and towards me with the cavaletti under her belly. I don´t think Milva really knows that cavalettis are actually for jumping or going over it, as soon as she sees a pole on the ground she goes halfway over it and then sideways. Definitely not a jumping horse in the making ;).
10 Lessons from Einstein
1. Follow Your Curiosity
“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
2. Perseverance is Priceless
“It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
3. Focus on the Present
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”
4. The Imagination is Powerful
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
5. Make Mistakes
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
6. Live in the Moment
“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”
7. Create Value
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
8. Don’t be repetitive
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
9. Knowledge Comes From Experience
“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”
10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
“It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”
3. Focus on the Present
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”
4. The Imagination is Powerful
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
5. Make Mistakes
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
6. Live in the Moment
“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”
7. Create Value
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
8. Don’t be repetitive
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
9. Knowledge Comes From Experience
“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”
10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
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