Thursday, February 7, 2013

Speedy Recovery

Milva seems to be doing fine. I started her with her antibiotics orally and painkillers in the form of powder, mixed with sugarbeets and a bit of oats. Giving Milva medication orally is not a problem - luckily. I always did alots of friendly game with a syringe so she absolutly doesn´t care.
I was at the barn a few hours in the morning and went back there for a quick visit in the evening together with Anita.
Milva is all cudly now - more than usual and we took a little nap together at lunch time.
When I took her out for a brush and scratches she started to walk towards the riding house for a playsession - our daily routine...awwww little munchkin....
It snowed some more today and the ground is still frozen so she still can be outside with the herd. Fingers crossed that the weather won´t change now.
I´m heading to the UK next week for the Horse & Soul tour where I´m gonna be volonteering - or so I hope. Should Milva´s condition change I will stay at home of course...

1 comment:

  1. I have all my toes and fingers crossed for speedy recovery:) xoxox
