Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I found that little fellow underneath the bathtub, too darn cute!
Milva laid down in front of another person she didn´t know for the first time - the person who was watching was holding her own horse which is also a first for Milva - laying down in front of another horse and a horse she doesn´t know. Also she is mostly laying down right next to me now instead of walking around first.
Playing lots on the 45 foot line with level 3 - 4 tasks.
Have to work 10 days in a row now and don´t know yet how much time I have to update.


  1. Oj, oj! Mycket jobb. Hoppas du får kompensationsledigt snart. Flitigt av dig att att hinna träna ändå. Och bra, ska det bli cirkus så får man ju ligga i : )

  2. ja precis :)) kompensationsledigt får jag nog inte men jag tog semester dem førsta två veckor i september førhoppningsvis kan jag filma l3 online då.
