Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday Play

I managed to squeeze in 2 hours of playtime before going to work again.
We played all 7 games in order and then concentrated on our right now not existing circling game. It did get better after a few tries though. I started with the 22´and switched to the 45´ later. Lots of grazing breaks in between and I made sure to always scratch her favorite itchy spots each time we entered and before we left the play ground. When she gave me 2 nice circles in trot with change of direction and 2 more circles on the other hand with me being in neutral I quit. I couldn´t be in neutral in the beginning cause she always laid down behind my back, which is pretty funny I think but wouldn´t look so good when filming level 3 - one day, right now it seems far away again because of the not existing canter. But that´s entirely my fault cause I´m not consistent enough and quit too early. Oh well, we will work through it eventually. Some things just take a bit longer than others.
I also asked her to lay down once which she did of course. I think that´s pretty amazing that she also does it outside, especially cause she usually got so right brain in that particular paddock.