Monday, June 13, 2011


Perfect weather for playing today, +24 and overcast. I played for 3 hours with Milva with lots of grazing breaks. I started to play with the weave pattern followed by sideways over a black tube from z1, z3 and z5, squeeze over a fence from z5, engaged hindquarters and drew her back towards me over the jump again and then I finished our playsession with circling game with walk - trot - halt transitions which went very well :).
It sure felt nice to play without time pressure!


  1. Jag får nog prova den där zon 5 hoppandet. Manno gillar ju att hoppa. Vi har nog aldrig gjort side ways i zon 5 heller. Tack för tips!

  2. Ha, vad ni är duktiga! :-)

  3. nja jag vill inte direkt påstå att milva hoppa, det är mer dressyrande över ett litet hinder ;).

  4. vi har aldrig dressyrati zon 5 över litet hinder heller ; )
