Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Munch Is Doing Better

Glad to raport that munch is doing better. After the ferier was here, the girls rapported in the evening that she is walking much better. Yesterday her leg was more swollen on the outside (that´s where the ferrier thinks the abscess is located) and she classicly put her toes down first. She didn´t look to have much pain any more though so maybe the little abscess the ferier opened helped a bit. Today she looks even better, leg still swollen but walking better again and she is her old perky self again.
Me - I´m more calm now and convinced she will survive a hoofabscess as well ;).
Quick early lunch and then I´m heading back out there again to play with Milva putting one foot on a bucketlock and riding Orkan.


  1. Very very cool and I so happy to hear! Have a great day!!

  2. Glad att höra att det är bättre! Lycka till med Freestylen!
