Monday, January 18, 2010

Mediocracy Is Not Me

Mediocracy = the swedish word lagom
I discussed mediocracy with Shawn right now.
Mediocracy is average, not raising above. Being satisfied with the second best.
It´s going with the flow - but in a bad way. Like doing what everyone else is doing and thinking it´s ok and being satisfied with it.
Mediocracy is deffinitely not me! But I guess I don´t have to explain that to you who know me.
I´m way above mediocracy and could never be satisfied with the second best.
That´s the way I´m and how I work. I can´t change that.
One of the reasons why I love Parelli so much cause it takes you above all the other mediocracy riders and for doing Parelli you actually have to be intelligent and put in some effort and time. It´s a never ending self improvement journey and I´m glad I discovered it.
But just because mediocracy is not good enough for me doesn´t mean it´s not good enough for other people. I just have to learn to except them how they are!
Which is not easy but I´ll work on it!


  1. I love that. Mediocracy is not me. Perfect. So you! :) xxxx

  2. Love that too. You remember me on a very important thing! :-)
