Sunday, March 24, 2013

Still Winter....

I´m not complaining though...still not tired of the snow...
Milva´s wound looks pretty good now. It´s not healed completly yet but we are almost there.
I took her for lots of small walks over the week and yesterday we started to play with a plan again.
I have quit my Parelli Gold membership and I have to admit that I almost quit Parelli all together. The only reason I did not do it is because we are so close to film our level 4 online and liberty audition and of course because I´m a LBI myself I want to finish things I have started.
The german Trakehner Verbund uploaded a picture of Milva and me on their FB page :)) - yeah!!! So among all the competition pictures there are Milva and me.
For a personal reminder: farrier was here this week and Milva was her very well behaved self again. She does love Philip the farrier for sure. Deworming next week and we put a fence around the hay during the day time cause all three ladies - all of them lbi, just stand there and eat. So even though we have a slow feeder net they didn´t loose any weight - quite the opposite actually.

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