I tried to cut off a bit of her dressing today which had come loose and Milva became very defensive when I tried to touch her sore leg.
It kind of surprised me becaue I "assumed" (mental note - never ever assume things) that Milva completely trusts me - especially because she is laying down on command which I thought must be one of the biggest sign of trust, well think again....
When a horse is defensive about their legs they really havent 'let go', this will cause you issues when riding sooner or later, so better fix it now. It really means you havent won your friendly game yet and that's game number one! She tolerates but doesnt accept...
I had a blog friend tell me a really powerful story about James Roberts. He firmly believed in the horse being 100% ok with his legs before starting them under saddle. There is also a video online from a guy Pat learned from, its on youtube
Back to James Roberts.
He got a horse in that had bucking issues and he told his apprentice to get to the feet first.... Nevertheless, his apprentice got bucked off and James said 'which foot was sticky when you picked up his feet?' and his apprentice said the right front... and James said 'that was the foot he pushed himself into a buck...'
I thought that was one of the biggest epiphanies I ever had, thinking about the fact that if they dont truly 'give' you their feet they are holding back their trust and are not 'letting' go...
Another level of the onion to peel ;).
I called the vet again and her assistant will be coming on Monday to change the dressing. No need to discuss with Milva and maybe damage our relationship by doing so.
I called the vet again and her assistant will be coming on Monday to change the dressing. No need to discuss with Milva and maybe damage our relationship by doing so.
Hoppas tassproblemet löser sig för er. Lilla gumman har väldigt starka åsikter vilket visar att hon faktiskt är en tänkande häst och inte en nerbruten meshäst.
ReplyDeleteSånt gillar jag som glad amatör!
Du vet var jag finns för support.
tack kära Anita, Anna kommer måndag kl 13.00 ;), men jag tror vi klara det...kanske...ska upp till Halmstad därefter... vi kan väl höras i helgen nu? xx
ReplyDeleteJag förstår inte varför du tror att det skulle förstöra er relation om du ordnade hennes ben.
ReplyDeleteSom jag förstår det är du tillräckligt skicklig för att lösa det som uppkommer på vägen, utan att vara dum och då borde det väl snarare vara relationsstärkande att du hjälper Milva?
jag kommer inte ens nära hennes ben Ulrika, jag provade att ordna bandaget igår och idag men hon blir helt hysteriskt och stegrar sig och då har jag inte alls rört benet... provade friendly game med benet länge och det går ju bra med dem andra tre men så snart jag vill röra det skadade börja hon igen. visserligen har jag inte provat att röra henne med carrot sticken, har faktiskt inte tänkt på det fram tills nu...hmmm...ska prova det imorgon men jag tror nog att bytta ett bandage är i det här läget ganska omöjligt för mig.
ReplyDeleteVery cool and good for you figuring it all out:) Keep up the great work. I hope Milva is OK with the vet when she/he comes:) Hang in there:) xoxoxo