Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Magical mystery ride and the outdoor gang

Sepp and Milva sure made me laugh this evening, both came galloping at full speed and bucking towards me when I called out for Milva. Sepp is 22 and usually moving at very low speed but he totally adores Milva and became her shadow immediately. Now he has full up to follow her around. Ann-Sofie and I took an one hour trail ride this evening up in the forest. It was very picturesque. I couldn't take any pictures though cause I had full up with Prim who is like his owner very very lbe ;). It's not exactly a relaxing trail ride with him, he got scared once and jumped to the side and he bucked once. He bucks straight up in the air, somehow I stayed on and didn't even get scared. Can't wait to ride him again tomorrow :)).

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