I got accepted to be a volonteer at this year´s Parelli Uk Celebration. It´s going to be intressting to get a look behind the scene. Would be nice to get in contact with other volonteers. I better have a look at the Savvy forum to get in touch with the other ones.
Monday: I played 40min with Milva. I saddled her the usual way again - in front of the stable while she is ground tied. We played 30min at liberty so she could move free with the saddle, mostly stick to me with walk - trott - stop - backup transitions, some circling and figure eights. 10min online - circling, change of direction.
Tuesday: 30min online, 10 min liberty. Same as Monday. My goal for this week is to get her more used to the saddle and to make some adjustments to it, speak shim it right. For me it´s important that she gets to move with the saddle alot before I sit on her. Online we played the circling game, figure eights, travelling circles and the cloverleaf. She was hilarious in the circling game. She offered trott and 1 round of canter. In the beginning when I asked her to walk she offered trott and behind my back she would buck and fly up in the air coming in front of me she would arch her body towards me and asking questions, ears forwards and coming behind me buck again, too funny. You could see that she was enjoying herself and being very playful. Who would have thought that about my little lbi pony. When she offered 1 circle of canter, which was relaxed, collected and up hill, I asked her in and quit it right there. It was hard for me to stay in neutral when she cantered. I just love to look at her when she canters - which doesn´t happen to often ;), and also I couldn´t belive my eyes that she actually did it. But I always try to keep in mind the power of neutral.
Hej! jag och Anne båda från Norrköping kommer vara volontärer!
ReplyDeleteDet ska bli så otroligt spännande!
Kram Joanna
Ja det blir det :)), vart ska ni stanna? varifrån flyga ni? jag flyga nog från kastrup før det ær nærmast. sedan jag bokade jag hilton igår før det verkar som att det ær fler som stannar dær.
ReplyDeletekram marion
Åh, vad ni har det bra, önskar jag skulle kunna vara med...
ReplyDeleteja verkligen ulrike! søk, kanske det finns en volontær stællning øver :)
ReplyDeleteOh, how cool! YOu will love it :-) Sounds like you are making great progress with Milva despite the cold winter...
ReplyDeleteStay warm!
Petra Christensen
Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
Parelli Central
I love the cold Petra. You can do something about the cold but not much agains the head ;).
ReplyDeleteI´m really excited about the volontering. Flight and hotel are booked :).
Any change you are coming too?
I`ll be a volunteer, too. Will be great to meet you there :-)
ReplyDeletevery cool Jessie :), I like your blogg btw! so when are you coming and where are you staying?
ReplyDeleteI`m staying at the Hilton, too and I will arrive thursday afternoon. I hope we will us see us then.
ReplyDeleteI like your blogg, too :-)
Hi Jessie, hast du nicht lust sich auf einen kaffee zu treffen am donnerstag nachmittag?
ReplyDeleteKlar sehr gerne sogar! :-) Sobald ich meine Flugdaten habe, machen wir was genaues ab, ok?!?!
ReplyDeletehørt sich gut an Jessie :)) freu mich schon dich irl zu treffen!