I forgot to mention a thing about yesterday. When Milva was loose in the ridinghouse she came trotting towards me a few times :) while she was at the other end of the ridinghouse. Cute little babyboo!
Today we played for 45 minutes. 30min longreining, first from z3 and then from z5. It seems to be easier for her to do it on the right hand. It´s no problem for her to stop when going on the right hand or to back up from z5. On the left hand she seems to be a bit more confused or not comfortable enough. When I walked in z5 and stopped her she turned around. To make her feel more comfortable I walked in z4 and did transitions from there which was going fine.
She really is the cutest. Always when I stop her she is turning her head around and asking a question.
After longreining we did some circling game. The same there - she rather goes on the right hand and tries to change direction by herself. I wonder if she has pain on the left hand - it doesn´t look so, or maybe she is just more stiff on that side.
Oh, I remember Anna mentioning something about on which side the manes lays is the stronger or weaker side. I have to look that up!
Instead of doing circled to the left she turned around and offered trott. To even it out I asked her to trott the other direction as well and it was going ok.
When I left the stable she was calling after me - like a mare calling her foal. It sounded so soft.
I wish I would have more time to spend in the stable or having my own stable so I could go out there whenever I wanted to.