Thursday, April 7, 2011

At The Hilton Lobby :))

Arrived safe and sound in the UK and met some really nice Parelli people already. I went with a few norwegian girls to Stoneleigh Park to visit the UK office.
Jenny gave us a tour of the office and we got to say to Pat and Linda :)). Then she took us down to show us the stables and the playground. We got to watch the instructors play with their horses and we got to see Magic! I took some pictures of her but can't upload them here. Not that you can see much, it's probably just a little black dot but I swear it's Magic ;).
The environment is thrilling and magical already and the show hasn't even started yet. Surreal.
The Hilton is lovely. The room is nice and I took a short swim in the swimming pool after we came back from Stoneleigh. Indulging really.


  1. Å jag kan riktigt känna hur härligt du har det :)

  2. Have fun!!!!
    Would love to be there :-)

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  3. wish you could all have been there :))
