Friday, March 4, 2011

Milva ground tied while I turn down our playground,dec.2010
20min online
Today something magical happened. You know when you read and hear about putting your heart in your hand in then touch your horse with it and it is not about the task and be in focus and be there for your horse and don´t do it to your horse but for your horse and take the time it takes and have a plan and visualize, you know all that Pat Parelli is always saying.
I know all that in my brain but somehow have a hard time to put it into practise.
Before I went to sleep last night I planned our playsession today and pictured different situations and thought about what to do about it.
Milva is still in heat so I don´t want to pull any trigger but instead be there for her and respect her mood. I still wanted to play though - but sooooft and sloooow.
I don´t know how to describe it but it was just a different feeling today. I focused on our relationship and I could feel that I was there for her and time didn´t exist. I just was.
Suddenly everything fall in place and our circling game was a game and not a task. Everything felt so easy and soft. I barely had to use phase 1, just a very soft phase 1 and her expression was soft all the time. Her head was down and one ear was always turned towards me. When I asked her to trott I just had to bring up my energy, no pointing with my finger or touching the carrot stick not even a clicking with the tongue. It was just wow. For the downwards transitions I just had to change the carrot stick in my other hand and she slowed down. In trott she slowed down to walk and looked at me, wondering if I ment she should walk or stop.
Now I just have to try to recall that feeling for the next time.