Sunday, September 26, 2010


I'm taking it easy this weekend and trying to prepare myself mentally for the upcoming surgery on Tuesday. Shawn is going to drop me off at the hospital tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to this. If everything goes well I can go home again on Wednesday which means I gotta go to see milva again on Wednesday. So this weekend I have been spending udt withilva and helped Shawn in the woodshop.


  1. Tänker på dig och önskar att allt ska gå perfekt. Lycka till!

  2. Take care Marion and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I'm sending good thoughts that everything will go well and you'll have a speedy recovery.

  3. Tack Elisabeth, ja det blir på tiden nu att dem få ut den förbannade njurstenen. Det kan väl inte vara så svårt skulle man tro.

  4. Thanks kathy! Sure hope I can get rid of that darn kidneystone now! Not looking forward to the full anastesia though!

  5. Önskar dig en lyckad operation och snabb återhämtning:)

  6. Hoppas att allt går bra och att du snart är tillbaka! :)
